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RE: Patience in business is essential

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Dear @josevas217

Finally I've managed to find some time to check out previously bookmarked publications. Good read. Upvote on the way.

Patience is a key. Either in business, study or relationship. Without patience things will always be harder. Nothing new here.

Question is: how to become patient. What to do to develop that skill? And I think that learning to listen to others and consider different point of views is necessary step to achieve goal of being more patient.
Wouldn't you agree?

Have a great day :)
Cheers, Piotr


Yes, indeed, it will help us in everything we do, not only in business.
People who are more insecure tend to be more impatient than the rest (this is a personal opinion).
Therefore, if we are sure of ourselves, if we also recognize ourselves as imperfect, we will understand each other better, we will respect that each of us has our own rhythm, and evidently, patience could be something we develop.
It seems easy, but it is not. I don't know if you agree with me @crypto.piotr.

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