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RE: Consistency Is The Key To Success - Part 4

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Dear @gifxlove, @funmiblog

cc: @menoski


Until those issues will be clarified, please DO NOT publish anything within project.hope community. Especially since it has been months since you invested even 1 minute to visit and comment on any other PH member (which is strong indicator, that you do not care about being part of our community and you're here only to get some extra rewards).

I must admit, that entire situation is very upsetting.


Especially since it has been months since you invested even 1 minute to visit and comment on any other PH member

It's been a while, I have been blogging. And I forgot that rule. But I reply all comments on my article. I will start spending more time reading and commenting on others article.

which is strong indicator, that you do not care about being part of our community and you're here only to get some extra rewards

Although, I will say, I don't appreciate the way and manner you wrote your thoughts, concluding and not asking nor waiting to figure out what's wrong. Is there anyone here who is not here for the reward, including you, @crypto.piotr. But I starting to enjoy writing while enjoying the reward which is cool. I like to share my thoughts, and been rewarded for sharing once thought is great.

I haven't been voted recently, I didn't complain, I just continued writing, maybe my consistency will be appreciated that was what I was thinking, because I know I have been absent for a long while. I would have been demotivated if I was only thinking about the reward, because writing an articles, takes time, my energy and my mental strength.

I must admit, that entire situation is very upsetting.

I find it upsetting that you found a situation that hasn't been addressed adequately, upsetting.

PS: I mean no offence in my comment.

Regards @gifxlove.

 3 years ago 

Dear @gifxlove, @josevas217

Although, I will say, I don't appreciate the way and manner you wrote your thoughts, concluding and not asking nor waiting to figure out what's wrong

To be honest, your words left me speachless.

As far as I know, hivewatchers or other similar programs would simply blacklist you and perhaps downvote as well. And you would have to be the one coming to their discord and explain yourself. While being harshly judged.

Instead, I decided to reach out to you only to hear that I'm "concluding and not asking nor waiting to figure out" ???

At this stage it doesn't make ANY SENSE for me to continue this topic. It's clear that we're NOT ON THE SAME PAGE. What I've seen as my attempt to communicate has been received by you as a "concluding" and wrong "manners".

I find it upsetting that you found a situation that hasn't been addressed adequately, upsetting.

This is actually quite ridiculous. I'm definetly not interested with following up with this topic any more.
I assume that everything Josevas217 wrote about you and funmiblog is right. No need to upset anyone any more.

I hate drama more than anything. And it turned out to be one.

Yours, Piotr

I must admit, that entire situation is very upsetting.

What's upsetting about the entire situation? Are you concluding before she respond?

I personally trained these ladies and definitely there will be similarities in their articles. It was the beginning of this year, that I started convincing everyone that I introduced to these platform to start writing again, and they have not be consistent at all, even @taiwo-writes, hasn't even started writing again. And I believe I told you @crypto.piotr in our private chat weeks before now, that I'm trying to convince them to write again.

It is not position to clarify this issue, but I noticed you mentioned(tagged me) and I just publish an article some few minutes, that's why I'm responding to your message. I actually don't know what to say.

 3 years ago 

Hi @menoski

What's upsetting about the entire situation? Are you concluding before she respond?

Im not really sure if you're seriously asking such a question.

Let me explain it this way: it is upsetting to learn from 2 different moderatos about such a case. Knowing that it will take time to resolve that issue. Knowing, that my decision is also being "watched" by those moderators.

You may not see an issue here, but I do. And resolving it will consume quite a lot of time, which I didn't really want to spent this way. So yes, it is upseting.

Reality is, that if @gifxlove wouldn't be related to you, then I wouldn't see many reasons to support her content in PH community. Not only she didn't engage with anyone for few months (while posting about consistency). But also there is just to many reasons for us to believe that @funmiblog and her account are run by same person.

I actually don't know what to say.

Neither do I. Except that this situation is upsetting for me. Regardless if you can see my point of view or not.
After all, it is not comfortable position for me to be in.

Yours, Piotr

I guess we are from two separate part of world and the word read different meaning. But now I understand what it means from you.

All the best, I don't like situations like this at all. And I'm replying because you tagged me and respect you. Because I won't put myself in this kind of situation.

Cheers @crypto.piotr

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