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RE: New Year 2022 - Crypto Predictions and Narratives

in Project HOPE3 years ago

it's me again @ga38jem

the next narrative is that even more money will flow into the crypto space which will also lead to a BTC price of 100k in early to mid 2022.

Allow me to share my personal view regarding "price predictions":

I hope we won't reach 100k anytime soon. That would bring mass media into the picture. 100 000 usd - it's such a magical number. 6 digits

And that would end up with millions newbies entering the market, overleveraging themselfs etc.
And that would be most likely peak of entire bull market

Obviously at some point all those new investors will be slaughtered by experienced ones. And brutal crash will come (mainly because of overleveraged masses).
And then mass media will do 180, and pick on this topic saying that "bitcoin is dead". Anti-crypto regulators will get so much "ammo" and support

And another crypto winter will arrive. That's my doom and gloom scenario :)

So I hope we will be growing slowly and steadily. And hopefully $100k wont happen anytime soon

Cheers, Piotr


That are some interesting points you mentioned there! I never thought of this doom and gloom scenario but I agree with you that a steady growth would be better in the long term.

Regarding your other post: The China thing is very interesting to follow, you will be probably right that they wont let miners back in again

Thank you for your feedback! It is always nice to read some other opinions :)

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