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RE: New Year 2022 - Crypto Predictions and Narratives

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Hi @ga38jem

Finally I found some time to catch up with previously bookmarked posts.

Indeed 2021 has been quite crazy. And not only within crypto market. Overall, that has been very unique year (especially from monetary point of view).

spot ETF

You'v mentioned Spot ETF. I hardly doubt that we will get it within upcoming year. I would rather expect another year full of talks and no actions in that area.


I don't see it the way you do. Very unlikely that China will allow BTC miners. And we need to remember, that they are going through energy crisis worse than Europe. Allowing miners to come back within such a challenging time would be very unlikely.

I would rather expect that CCCP will mine BTC themselfs, but they won't allow regular people/businesses to do that.

Interestng read. Upvoted already :)
Chers, Piotr

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