Over Thinking

in Project HOPE3 years ago


How to overcome overthinking.

Thinking too much about something will have a bad impact on us, not only the burden of thinking time and energy will also be taken up, side effects caused by the habit of overthinking or overthinking.

If you feel like overthinking, what happens is that instead of thinking about the best solution or option, this actually keeps us trapped in thoughts that make us feel like we are limited to doing something, people who like to think too much will also easily experience serious emotional stress, people with cover thinking usually it is trapped in harmful behaviors such as alcohol consumption, excessive drinking, excessive or irregular eating, besides that an overactive mind can also make it difficult for us to sleep and lead to various serious medical problems and how to solve them, here are 6 ways for us to do this. overcome overthinking.

The first thing to realize when you start thinking more is how awareness is the first step to ending excessive thoughts, pay attention to our way of thinking when the mind starts repeating something that doesn't please us, we should realize that our thoughts have started to belong to unproductive thoughts.

The second is about our thoughts, negative thought states are actually surprising, so when we start thinking bad things may not necessarily happen to us, we need to be aware of these negative thoughts, learn to recognize and replace the wrong thinking, that's what actually makes us constantly stressed.

The third focus is on solving problems, my friend, just thinking about the problems that occur will not solve the problem, the best way to solve problems is to find a solution, ask yourself what steps can we actually take and we learn from mistakes or avoid the same problem in the future instead of asking ourselves why something happened and we keep going through and keep getting confused, again ask ourselves what we can do.

Fourth, do reflection. Doing a short reflection can help us solve problems that happen to us, do better things in the future, take 10 minutes every day to reflect throughout the day at that time, let yourself feel worried and do flowers. deep, ask yourself what happened or what we wanted then when the time is up and when we start to calm down move on to something more productive.

The fifth is doing mindfulness, meaning that the past cannot be repeated, thinking about tomorrow will not necessarily happen and will only make us stuck in everything, for that try to commit to focusing more on the present or doing awareness tactics, this mindfulness shows practice actually like any other skill but over time it helps us to overcome overthinking.

The sixth is keeping ourselves busy forcing ourselves to stop doing something, it actually makes our brains to be more overthinking, the best way is to keep ourselves busy with positive activities to divert our minds with positive activities such as exercising for example or working on projects that can distract from other things. negative thing. my best friend that's the way to overcome overthinking.



Greetings @crypto-01❤️💕

I really love the six steps or guide you recommended to avoid overthinking. I think another important point needed to be added is that anyone experiencing overthinking should also try as much as possible to avoid being alone. Such people are meant to be around people who make them happy to avoid overthinking.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️

Thank you my friend

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