Understanding The Brain Better As An Entrepreneur

Photo - Pexels

As entrepreneurs, we are constantly looking for ways to better ourselves and our businesses. If there's anything that I've learned in recent times, it's that a business will thrive as well as the owner. If the owner starts having issues in his/her life, it's mostly going to reflect in the business. As a result, there's a great need to constantly improve self.

We have a part of our body that helps us process everything we do, and that's our brain. If you really want to function better, you have to understand how the human brain functions. So that you can maximize your mental potentials. Fundamentally, our brains function in two ways autopilot and deliberate.

Most of our daily activities are on autopilot. Take for example, when you get into the bathroom to have your bath, I'm pretty sure you don't have to calculate every single move you make, you function almost automatically. In fact, you could be singing a song and bathing yourself the exact same way you did yesterday. That's because your brain has automated that activity to save you time, as you do it often.

Photo - Pexels

This autopilot brain of ours has it's advantages, being that we don't have to spend too much time carrying out tasks we're already used to. As an entrepreneur, surely there are some tasks that you'll have to do on the autopilot mode and still be productive e.g. typing on your system. You don't have to think or be deliberate when typing. What you want is to concentrate on what is been typed.

But this autopilot brain of ours has it's demerits in the fact that, when we want to think out of the box, to bring up novel ideas to push our business forward, the autopilot brain, keeps bringing the same old ideas to us. And that's why, as a truly creative entrepreneur, you'll be needing your deliberate brain most of the time. You don't want to be reacting to challenges, you want to be solving them appropriately, by thinking clearly, in creative ways.

Research has it that 95% of what we do as humans, we do on autopilot. That's for most humans; only a few men go through their days deliberately making decisions and not just repeating old methods of thinking and doing things. In order to become more inventive and creative as an entrepreneur, you'll need to awaken the deliberate part of your brain; and a way you can do this, is by taking deep breaths every now and then during your day (which helps increase awareness), and by choosing to be as conscious, present, and as deliberate as possible as you make important decisions and choices in your day.

Thanks for reading



We certainly need to understand more about how our brains work if we want to be successful entrepreneurs.

Greetings and thank you for your valuable contribution.

Wow! I never knew our brain is divide into two Autopilot and deliberate. God is wonderful. And scientist are trying day by day to improve our knowledge.

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