Selling Value To People


In your life, you need to think very carefully - are you selling anything valuable to people? Because usually, your net worth is very close correlated with the value that you're adding to the market place. Hence, you want to be adding value.

But most people don't add any value to anybody's life, and yet they want big money. The main reason why anybody will be delightful to put his hands into his pocket to give you money, is when you've given him a good product or service.

Thus, it's okay to agree with Albert Einsteins saying, "Don't be a man of success. Be a man of value." This is something Albert Einstein already understood - in life, you should never be begging for success. Rather, give value to people, and you'll gain success.

By all means, you need to know the importance of the role you're playing, in order to remain relevant for a long time. Most people seem consistent for a little while, and then they lose their fire; and that's because they don't know what value they're bringing to others.

Basic human nature is that - humans are very social creatures. And you'll always get a sense of fulfilment, when you know that somebody else will really value your product or service. This is what drives lots of entrepreneurs. Hence, make sure that you're selling a product or service that you believe is valuable to others.


People want to be sure they are getting value for whatever they are paying, if I am going to be trusting an entrepreneur, then I need to be sure that I am getting required value as well.

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