Don't Let People Take You For Granted

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There's a tendency of people to start taking your kindness for granted, when they notice that you care a lot. And it's at this point that you need to walk away, because if you don't - you'll only continue to lower your self esteem and your self image, which are very detrimental.

Thus, don't let people take you for granted. At every given point in time, you need to know what value you're bringing to the table, and you need to demand respect for the value you're bringing to the table. If the other party isn't satisfied with you, then perhaps the business isn't working.

If you deal with anybody and have the feeling that you're not good enough - then there's something fundamentally wrong. That means that such a person doesn't value what you're bringing to the table. And you may have to think of an alternative in order to keep your self esteem.

It's never good for your self image, when you feel used, and being taken for granted. You'll always feel drained and depleted after dealing with such person or people - because you're always trying to please them even more, at your own detriment.

It's much better to deal with people who show gratitude for what you're bringing to the table. These people make you feel good about yourself and your efforts. And this way, you're more able to grow harmoniously and bring more to the table; rather than feeling like you're being taken for granted.

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