Your page should be trending for you !

in Project HOPE3 years ago (edited)


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I'm sure many of us joined the trending page every single day. It's kind of an indicator to show people what's supported more on the platform. But the support is, for sure, not only based on the content we write. So, if the best writer in the world join here and start writing or sharing the best content on the web, it doesn't mean that he/she will be trending. The reason is because of the concepts we have here. So, in case the proof of stake is leading, those who have more stake will be trending. In case the proof of quality content is leading, those with better content will be trending. Maybe there are other kinds of proofs, but I think I mentioned the main ones.


So, the trending is for sure created by a group of people. Those curators who like the content or the author or what ever they liked and see it worthy to be in the trending page. Because if someone from the big stakeholders decided that the content shouldn't be seen, he/she may just downvote it and put it back in the hot page. Or unseen at all. But that's not considered mostly a censorship because the content is not deleted and still may found on the blockchain. But it depends on what's consider a censorship in this case. Some people consider any downvote for an opinion or disagreement of rewards a censorship as well. So, there is a conflict of interest for sure. Maybe the trending content shouldn't be confused, and the author should consider all the consequences of hitting the trending page. It's like a lottery played, and maybe some authors don't even prefer to be there.


As you see, there are many troubles to think about in case you're in the trending page. There is also a big struggle among authors to be there. It's a kind of hidden competition where authors learn as much as possible to be trending, and they may lose it because of any unknown reason. So, fighting yourself and others to be there isn't the right thing to do. You maybe pushed there, you maybe down. You never know. The rule maybe is true, that the rewards aren't yours during those 7 days. If the content made it and will not offend anyone or don't push anyone to hit that button. The money is yours and no one will be able to take it from you. It's especially important to know for newcomers who don't know about this all, to not make them disappointed and leave. It should be even maybe explained on each platform here when someone join. In the welcoming message, for example.


But for those who are here a long time and those who want to grow no matter what will happen. I would advise looking at your page as a trending one. You should correct the mistakes you did. Change or improve the direction you take. Reply all the feedback you already get. And even check who is supporting you to learn from them. Most of the curators are creators at the same time. In case they are not creating, check what they are sharing. Analyze your page, check what's supported more. Not only in terms of upvotes, but also in terms of the comments you get. Take care if your page and do it the way you want the trending to be. The trending page shouldn't be your indicator of success. That's an indicator of those who supported it and let it as it is. They have their own criteria to make it like that. The author in this case has no power to change things.


It's ok of course to check the trending from time to time to be aware of the updates and everything going on in each platform.

But your page should be the trending page for you to care about much more !


I believe that we should certainly take care of our blog, that all the content we publish is quality regardless of whether it appears in trend or not, but it is solely our responsibility whether our blog is well or poorly viewed within steemit.

Greetings and thanks for your contribution.

hello @clixmoney,
the quality is relative so many authors become a trend with an article that they do not consider quality, as for the negative votes although it is not very common to receive them many authors receive negative votes as a form of revenge for the support of a project all this is part of this social network of which we dissidimos be an active part as content creators, the important thing is to make what you like a profitable way of life far beyond trying to be the best

Your page is the goodwill for your work if you perform good work you will always get a result. And you will be happy for all your work done before it take time to give fruits.

Hi thanks for sharing making it to the trending page requires much effort i guess i don't pay much attention to the treding page i hope someday i make it there.

It's not about the effort trust me. Just don't waste time if you think like that. I'm blogging here for 4 years and I'm very far from there. It's all about the stake you own. The more stake, the more interested stakeholders to upvote you. Otherwise, we have to spend ten or twenty years to get there with our effort. By that time a lot may change. Besides that there are many platforms where it's possible to grow. So, being everywhere is the solution for us all.

Thanks much i do understand now.

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