Know Your Jargon And Hold Your Own In Any Company

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Much has been said about the management of men, including such fine-sounding phrases as 'Management is a social process entailing responsibility for the effective planning and regulation of an Enterprise in fulfillment of a given purpose.' probably very true if only I knew what it meant. Management, like the raising of children, is only successful if you are one jump ahead all the time.
You don't have to be particularly brilliant to do this, neither do you need to know much about the job you are managing, but you must know the trick of your trade and I hope realized them as you read this article.
One-on, two-words of warning. If you have reached the peak you don't need this article, you already know all that is written here. But read it is all the same.
If you have a job which interests you, pays you enough money to live comfortably and if you have a faithful wife, nice children and good friends, go outside and stand in the sun again. It's good to be alive-don't spoil it. You don't need this article either.
But the 99.9 per cent of you who are under-employed, overworked or underpaid and still have fire in their belly need this article. With this piece of knowledge with you as an aide-memoire you can be in the old man's chair before you are forty.
About one thing you must make up your mind now-you can either be nice fellow or a good manager. You will still find out what your real friends are inversely proportional to your position in the managerial rat-race, so it is very much easier if you have no friends at all. Imagine the pain of sackiy old John Smith with whom you went on holiday last year and those children are always whooping it up with your kids in the pack. How much easier it is to get rid of Smith, j., Who works in Account and whose behavior generally is not satisfactory, your family will not like being social outcasts, but what do you want-money or friends?
In the bad old days the employer's word was law.if he took you to the edge of the cliff and said 'jump!' you were perfectly justify in drawing his attention (in a suitable servile manner) to the fact that you would probably kill yourself if you did jump. If, merely said 'Jump!' there two courses open to you: (a) Jump;
(b) Resign.
But that is not the situation today-oh dear me, no! Before any man is asked to do something which is not his normal work and may cause him to use different tools, different techniques, to start work ealier, to start work later, start work in an atmosphere which is hotter/colder than normal, wear goggles or rubber boots, etc., etc., the matter must be referred, through the proper channels, of course, to the works council or the shop steward or the trades union.
Any man is entitled to withhold his labour if he has a disagreement with his manager (the newspapers call it striking) and you would do well to remember this before you say or do anything. We live in an enlightened age where in many industries the boss and his staff run the Enterprise as a joint undertaking. These must be consultation between manager and subordinate before anything new is undertaken.

 4 years ago 

Hello @clintonariri.

Thank you for posting within our community.

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Regards, @juanmolina
@project.hope co-founder

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