Do you have a friend?

in Project HOPE3 years ago (edited)

Who is your friend? Do you even ha e a friend. Some people will say they don't make friends with people but most of these people have forgotten that life is beyond staying alone, you may have reasons for not making friends with people but no matter how strong your reasons maybe you have to know that you can not do it all alone.

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Having friends may not be something good for some people and for some it may be lovely to have friends. There are many reasons for having friends but yet you don't just make friends without gaining anything. Friendship is for a great purpose but when you fail to understand this purpose you may not see anything reasonable in friendship.

Firstly, before you make friends with anyone you must know why and what has made you become friends. When you fail to understand why you are into friendship with others you may not gain anything in such a friendship. Friendship is not for show but to impact you positively and not negatively.

The Holy Bible makes us understand that one will chase one thousand and two will chase ten thousand. When you are keeping good friends you will have sweet times because both of you will resolve things together at the same time. In the time of difficulties and challenges of life, a good friend will be a good source of encouragement to you and by so doing you will be encouraged and not easily defeated by situations of life.

There are many benefits of friendship but you may be thinking that friends have disappointed you several times, of course, it may be so but that fact is that we are all human beings and we can all change at any time. When you are dealing with friends always have it at the back of your mind that men can change at any time, having this mentality you will be able to go through life easily.

Friendship can be helpful but can also be harmful in disguise. Only be careful of the kind of friends you keep.

Thanks for reading my article.


a very interesting topic one should discussed. a lot of people are living alone which is very dangerous. i think the great question one should have itself is do you have a friend before asking which type of friend do you have

Thanks for your contribution, friend!

Friendship is always that special gift that we receive, and like everything in life we must cultivate it, prepare it and give the best of ourselves to receive what we are giving or sowing.
good post

Thanks your contribution

A true friendship is one in which both parties benefit from it. With the right friend, your efforts can be amplified just as you rightly pointed out with the biblical reference. However, we must be cautious not to choose the kind of friends that will influence us negatively.

Nice piece Cindy. Thanks for sharing

Greetings @cindylove1,

Friendship can be helpful but can also be harmful in disguise.

So true, And Having a caring friend is feels like Heaven.

Thank you for sharing my friend : )

Thanks for your contribution

Hi!friend , it really good to have a good friend. Friends are meant to support us at every point of sweet and bitter conditions.

Thanks for sharing

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