NFT CryptoWao NFT project generating trust with your actions.

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Greetings to all readers of this great platform, especially to those who make life in the community of #ProjectHOPE, in the present opportunity I want to share information about a NFT gaming project called CryptoWao, which generated a lot of confidence with an action taken in the face of the market situation, to delay the release of the project and there was a possibility that the project as soon as it started ended up destroying the project.

Screenshot taken at: PixaBay

The CryptoWao project, some time ago for the month of March, made the pre-sale of its NFT, being a game of having some NFT dogs in which it was going to be mined digging some bones in a yard, in general lines of that was about the game as such, the project has very good theme and had great expectations as such, in spite of everything the developers of the same one month ago or a little more decided not to launch the project due to the bearish situation of the market.

With this decision all the people who bought in pre-sale were alarmed, or we were alarmed because I include myself in this project, at the time they released a statement saying that most people wanted the refund of the money and not wait for the project to come out in a few months, with this they notified that the person who wanted could request the refund of their NFT, being the purchase in BUSD we had no problems by devaluation.

With these decisions there were many alarms, and even more the moment they released a statement where they informed that Binance had blocked the resources, so we had to wait a little longer for the refund, a situation that managed to generate much more distrust, and turned on the alarms of all users, being situations that continued to generate distrust, and that we all thought we were victims of a scam.

3 days ago and counting today, they managed to gain the trust of many people, because they successfully made the refund to each of the users who bought in pre-sale, so they have acted in the best possible way, and with this I know that when they decide to launch the project again, in a more stable market, I will re-enter the project as it is seen that they are serious people according to their actions and decisions, thanks for reading.

All the images used by the Author @Chucho27 are Public Domain, in each one of them you can find the source of the image.

The image used in the banner at the bottom is by the author @chucho27, made using the Canva application.


hello @ chucho27
No doubt that this action of the developed of CriptoWao to return the resources is the wisest thing they could do, not to generate distrust for a future near, besides that already had some lawsuits at the door if they spent a few days more by the Spanish justice.
Thank you very much for sharing your publication

Hi @chucho27
Trust is something that is built over time. I feel it is a hard time for new as well as old projects specially if they want to raise funds in the current depressed market conditions.
The decision to refund shows some good character from the side of the ream.

Hello friend, how nice, I think it was an important decision since the future of the project depended on it. Trust is paramount at this time in history, especially when we talk about cryptocurrencies. Starting from the bear market and what happened with terra, is a positive point for them.

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