Project Hope competition #2 for all content creators - Machine vs sensitivity

in Project HOPE4 years ago

I really like the contests that are given on this platform and I always try to leave my entry, I now go to the invitation that @ josevas217 makes us here. It is about writing from a thought or phrase, in this case this:

Education makes machines that act like men and produces men who act like machines." Erich Fromm.

Education has long been questioned as the cause of many evils, methods, resources, institutions, ideologies, vision, mission, values, and more have been criticized. It is a subject that does not end, because all this revolves around the man towards whom the actions are directed, it is in the end who will operate in a society and will show what he has received in his training.

In this sense, many hours are dedicated to the creation of prototypes, which can at some point replace the human being, from the basic to the complex. Today, there is talk, for example, of robots that can: clean a house, serve the public, prepare food, and also of drones that can even replace a policeman to discover a criminal. This has worried thinkers from different eras who analyze the situation as a serious problem where the human race is losing its power and its ability to do, so that all this remains in the "hands" of technological and / or electronic executors.


The machine does not cry, does not suffer, does not get tired, does not show a defined state of mind, does not feel empathy, nor is it happy about the success of the results, it simply performs the work for which it was created, obviously with more favorable results when analyzed quantitatively.

But beyond that, what worries the most is how the professional man, in different branches, is losing his sensitivity; Let's take as an example, professionals within the health area, who, subject as they are to: rigid schedules, imposed rules and procedures, poor pay, corruption, politics, among others, begin to act in a cold and calculating way, setting aside human valuation and forgetting even the oath they take when they receive their title.

The latter is something that personally has touched me closely, on different occasions, when I have had a loved one interned in a public health institution, I even experienced it firsthand. The apathy of a professional who surrenders to filling bureaucratic procedures and ignores the calls we make to him to assist a seriously ill person is something that borders on cruelty. Without the intention of making hateful generalizations, because there are exceptions, but for the most part, indifference and bad humor go hand in hand and this is what the doctor or the nurse shows when doing their work.


We could try to justify and take as causes: overwork, lack of vocation and how much seeing traumatic situations causes the individual to become desensitized, this would equate it to the machine, with the aggravation that the efficiency of a robot or a drone would be above that of man and this is unfortunate. It is therefore important to form loving and sensitive citizens, which is up to education in general. Only then would the human being be irreplaceable.

Original content
I have used google translate

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Hello @charjaim
It is a good criticism of the system. But, I must limit some things at this point, in relation to what you comment. From my point of view, of course, from what I have experienced. There are some important aspects that are ignored when you come to a health care facility as a patient, there are really emergencies, considered as such, but for the family members everything is an emergency, even the simplest.
And as soon as they arrive at a hospital they want to be treated immediately, and not everything deserves immediate attention. I'm telling you this because I lived that reality first-hand. 36 hours of continuous work, two doctors attending to 50 hospitalized patients plus those who arrive in a real emergency and those who don't... they can't give you even 15 minutes to eat, because you are inhuman, so there are points of view that depend on the experiences of each one. That led me to leave the health sector, I'm a doctor and a nurse, always ready to help, but, being sensitive and human in a collapsed, exploitative system, they don't go together, even if it sounds a little dehumanizing.
I'm not working in the health sector, and for now I won't.
And that's one of the main reasons, not to mention the aggression and the permanent lack of respect for health personnel, the lack of supplies, among other things.
But, these are points of view, and both must be respected.
Thank you very much for participating in the contest, it is always good to read different points of view, and how much can arise from a sentence.

#twopercent #colombia

That is precisely why I write in the text that there are exceptions because you should never generalize and you have to stand on the other side as well. But when I say that I have lived it, it is because in fact I have lived it. One of my children got appendicitis and the doctor who treated him in a health center did not even feel him to see why the pain, but prescribed Buscapina, the pain continued and I took him to the hospital, a young doctor checked him carefully and determined that it was appendicitis but had to wait at eight in the morning for the specialist to arrive. But this very efficient doctor ordered laboratory tests that were carried out in the same hospital. The pain had started the day before. I then took him to a clinic. This time he had insurance. There they decided to repeat the tests because the hemoglobin was at five. At noon, after verifying that it was not five but fifteen, the hemoglobin result (by mistake in the hospital exam) was operated on and thank God on time.

I recently accompanied a goddaughter who had had a cesarean section, (in a clinic) in the early morning she had a lot of pain, I went to bother the nurse on duty, she got up in a bad mood and told me that she was due for treatment in the morning, in Another nurse was filling out forms at the reception, I asked her if she could do something and she said no, if I wanted to, I could put the suppository on her, which I did.

In short, I could write a book about the dehumanization not only of health personnel, but also of public officials, teachers, and more and I would always find exceptions and who would even feel offended. But it is the reality that is lived and it is also what the phrase of the contest suggests.

For these types of topics the number of words influences. I must fully acknowledge that I have met a wealth of people whose professionalism, humanity, values, principles, vocation and human condition are commendable and worthy of praise, but I reiterate, From's phrase led me to make this post that is in accordance with lived situations I'm really sorry that my contribution can be misinterpreted.

Excellent day.

No @charjaim, it is not misunderstood by me, not at all. I understand the point. If I tell you that I was going to work on the days when I was not supposed to be attending patients in the emergency room, do you believe me? I was working in the emergency room, and it's a very busy area, stressful for many, but that's what I like.

It bothered me when I arrived and saw that my patients had not been treated, or that the treatments were delayed, among many other things. Then, those things exhausted me, I felt the need to do things right but fighting the system was very difficult, not to say impossible.

I had some problems with some colleagues, that's why you raise, we were all tired, but not because we had to stop doing our part. So, since I know how to grab peripheral routes, I started to do it. Then, I ended up doing my job and sometimes that of the nursing staff, so I tell you that I understand the point and that it is not a bad interpretation, but I understand both sides. For that reason, I preferred to distance myself for a few months, and I dedicated myself to teaching for a while. And it was much less stress in that respect.

Hola @charjaim

I really like your observation and participation.

Certainly there are many factors that are influencing the dehumanization of the individual, both in the workplace and in other areas of interest.
Likewise, in parallel I find and monitor the advances in AI that promote the creation of "more human machines", and this is counterproductive for me in our current world.

Good participation. Regards.

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