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RE: HELP STEEMIT GROW. My personal suggestion on how to bring more demand for STEEM [JOIN discussion]

in Project HOPE2 years ago

How many millions of $ do you expect to earn with such links? Assuming it works at all, market cap is 92m atm. So 9m rewards would burn 10%. Dunno if this moves the price. On the other hand I guess the 9m distributed to the participants would make them smile;)

 2 years ago (edited)

Hi @cektop

Thanks for dropping by buddy.

I'm not sure why do you take entire market cap into consideration. What we need to care is amount of liquid STEEM being used in sell orders on exchanges.
Please, correct me if I'm wrong.

My view on results of this initiative is quite simple:

Even if it won't really bring huge results - > we will build even bigger network similar to project.hope. With some leadership structure. Network which we can use will use to promote important developements on steem blockchain.
Developers should be focused on building their apps. They should not be wasting time on bringing traffic and onboarding users.
I could help them bring some traffic to their apps/posts in the future.

After all: `It is all about bringing value' to STEEM. One way or another. And we can either believe that change is possible, or not (in that case giving up would be the only solution).

Cheers, Piotr

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