Why is the European Union warning about the scarcity of energy resources due to the energy price crisis?

in Project HOPE3 years ago

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Energy is the source and essence of life today, not that in the past energy and its availability has not been important, but as society develops based on a lifestyle where more technological resources are demanded, we will need more energy to adapt new technological and engineering inventions.

However, the world energy demand will be increasing not only because of the development of life that humanity is acquiring, but also because the world population will increase, and with it the energy demand will be greater, there are also climatic factors that are influencing and may continue to influence for the future.

Currently some regions of the world are going through a widespread climate crisis, where a large number of people worldwide will not be able to have a heating system to cope with the winter investitures of much of Europe and Asia.

We know that the burning of coal is prohibited in some countries due to the negative effect that this type of energy generation causes to the planet, however we are stuck at a point where we fail to hold a type of clean and cheap energy, natural gas is being very expensive to produce and market, so in short the different forms of energy in the world are increasing their price, while this trend remains present we are facing a global energy scenario in crisis.

Faced with this critical scenario, the European Union alerts most of the European countries that are under the current winter, that there is a large number of households that will not be able to heat their homes due to the increase in the price of available energy, also highlights the European Union that the increase of homes that can not be heated may be on an upward trend.

My conclusion and reflection for this worrying case, is that we should have been prepared for this scenario, because while we were complying with the biosecurity measures due to the pandemic of covid-19 and due to the little activity of tourism and normal daily life, oil prices and its derivatives fell in price, reason why international organizations were confident, but now the world is returning to normal activities, the price of energy at different levels of generation is rising while the strong winter in Europe and Asia continues to increase.

I only hope that organizations such as the European Union and the UN, among others, can reach a consensus where this crisis is prioritized in countries that need access to affordable and sustainable energy to alleviate the current severe winter.



Greetings dear @carlos84, undoubtedly the energy issue has always been at the forefront and over time has intensified, hence the need for new measures to produce renewable energy to maintain a society as demanding as ours.

Valuable contribution. Regards

Hello my dear friend @madridbg, certainly humanity will have to continue in this step of intensifying renewable energies to alleviate these critical moments in power generation, greetings and thank you for your valuable comment.

Hello @carlos84, I have been reading some news about this situation in Europe and the approach of winter for this continent shows a frightening panorama due to the lack of fuel in some places and the rise in prices of oil and fuels in general.

And I think very possible that at some point this could have something to do with Brexit in the UK.

We have not yet overcome the recent pandemic and we continue to have problems globally and at all levels.

Hi friend, we certainly have to overcome many obstacles ahead, among them providing clean and cheap energy to meet today's needs.

Hi @carlos84

Excellent analysis, "We know that coal burning is banned in some countries because of the negative effect this type of power generation causes on the planet, however we are stuck at a point where we fail to sustain a clean and cheap type of energy", indeed this is the biggest problem, our stagnation in search of real solutions.

Best regards, be well.

Hello friend @lupafilotaxia.

I think it is a matter of time for mankind to find a form of energy generation that is economical and can meet the energy requirements globally.

Greetings friend and thanks for your valuable input.

 3 years ago 

Dear @carlos84

Another yet interesting choice of topic.

post upvoted already. just one quick question: are you concerned that current energy crisis will affect miners? That politicians and media will start pointing out at miners and complaining that they are using to much energy?
What's your take on that subject?

Cheers, Piotr

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