What strategies can we apply so that our business can survive in these critical times?

in Project HOPE4 years ago


It is no secret that anyone who decides to be an entrepreneur and therefore can start their own business needs good advice, especially those that guide them to be able to stay for a considerable time in the area of attractive earnings that make the business profitable and attractive.

Now all these strategies and advice that we are often given is to be applied under normal and stable conditions, however the situation we are living today due to the covid-19 pandemic has made entrepreneurs demand new strategies and advice, especially those who are attached to the new times, where technology can help us a lot to grow our business as long as we have a positive mindset and know how to apply the tools we have at hand.

Success in business can be analyzed as a chess game, that is, in business there are many opponents who compete to see who wins more selling their products, that is, it is a market war, but who ends up winning? Well, whoever has the best sales strategies to convince their customers to buy their products wins.

Now, in the game of chess, two opponents face each other, who wins? Well, the one who can best move the chess pieces wins, even though both players have the same chance to win, simply the one who can best move the chess pieces in his favor wins.


Another key factor for the success of our business is the ability to adapt, since the idea is not to give up in the face of any adversity, although it is true that current conditions are not the same as before the covid-19 pandemic, we have no choice but to adapt to today's competitive environment.

What strategies or use of tools that facilitate the normal course of business can be applied today?

First of all most of the businesses before the pandemic have succeeded for example thanks to the use of marketing and social networks, but nowadays these two tools must be intensified if we want to float our businesses, for a world in confinement where customers do not have access to be able to go out and buy a very important strategy is the digitalization of information, and what better duo of tools than marketing and social networks.


However, you may find that by using these two tools you are not able to increase your competitive sales capacity, or that suddenly customers do not easily access your products, then it is time for ingenuity and creativity to become part of your second options within the secondary tools to keep your business more alive than ever, so you have to innovate, you have to show different things, in conclusion apply everything that is necessary for the customer to assume positive differences in the product you are acquiring.


Finally friends and not to make this post so extensive where I'm basically giving my humble advice so you can keep your business active in these times of crisis is that they are based on these fundamental principles, such as

1] That we as traders and owners of our own business manage to adapt to what our customers need, since many times we make the mistake of wanting to impose a product or a form of sale that customers do not like, and as they say in my country: the customer is always right.

2] Do not be afraid of offers, many times the power to provide some promotion of our products to customers encourages and encourages a little more sales, which will be rewarded with many more sales profits, that's why placing some items on sale or promote some discounts without a doubt that instead of generating losses is sure to leave you profits.

3] Finally, and being aware that these are not expert advice, nor are they advice that should be followed to the letter, but if they are analyzed carefully I think they can work for you, so as a last point I advise you to measure your results, whether they are favorable or not, you must measure the results, all with the intention of keeping track of whether our strategies are really working or perhaps not as much as we might think.



This is indeed a time for business owners to get ready and adapt to change, it is a time for survival of the fittest indeed.

That's right, in the end business owners will have to apply any strategy that allows them to prevail in a world in which they survive is the strongest. Greetings and thank you for sharing

Hello friend, very good your publication, the truth is that those who work with sales have to find a way to always be innovating and give the best to the client, to look for solutions and that what you say about the offers is very good, the clients always look for offers so you have to have them at hand!

This is my dear friend, in the end the conclusion is that business owners must maintain a sense of dynamism and competition, especially in our country where we all want to live from business, imagine that scenario where we all want to sell, it would be strong competition, not easy, then it is necessary strategies of dynamism focused on some of the considerations that I mention.

It is a pretty difficult time for business owners but we are certainly going to come out stronger and this is surely a time for us to adapt to the numerous changes we will face.

I do believe that one of the ways business owners should prepare themselves for this sense of competition is to be able to adapt to change, greetings and thank you for commenting.

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