The petroleum industry and climate change

in Project HOPE3 years ago


The planet and its inhabitants are currently undergoing a series of profound changes, among which are the changes that the oil industry is undergoing. It is logical to think that the oil industry is in a process of change and in my opinion it will be undergoing constant changes for a long time.

Perhaps the private oil companies will have to accept in the short term an affectation to their economic interests, this constant pressure that the oil industry is going through is due to the fact that there is a growing concern by a large part of the world population, in which problems such as climate change make the oil industry have to commit itself to the reduction of carbon emissions.

This whole energy scenario does not stop with the pressures exerted on the oil industry to reduce carbon emissions, but the criticisms and pressures from different organizations and associations worldwide are also reinforced by some investors in many of these oil industries to evaluate the possibility of reducing carbon emissions with the application of new technologies.


From my perspective, there is a disorientation in this problem, in which shareholders and other entities are pressuring oil companies to minimize carbon emissions, but at the same time there is no energy development of clean and renewable energy sources to meet the world's energy demand.

In addition to not meeting the global energy demand, it seems that we criticize this situation with a double face or rather with a double standard, since most of the things we consume such as cars, computers, smart phones, soft drinks, building materials, among other resources, still depend on plastic for their marketing, which is why I wonder:

Would it be convenient to fix this problem of dependence on petroleum derivatives before exerting those pressures for the oil industry?

From my point of view I think it is convenient, I assure you that once the world energy demand is covered with clean and renewable energy and the need for plastic dependence is covered in its entirety, then there will be no need to exploit the oil fields to obtain oil and its refined products and thus reduce carbon emissions to zero, otherwise we would enter into a chaos of energy shortages.


To close with this analysis, I can certainly add that there are some oil companies that have joined the campaign to reduce carbon emissions, all this can be achieved because they have innovated new technologies to reduce emissions, however, greenhouse gas emissions are latent and in continuous advance until complete independence from fossil fuel energy is achieved.


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Greetings friend @ carlos84. There may be many companies that are united to this campaign to reduce carbon emissions but they are not all, apart we have to be clear that this is not an easy fight to win, technological advances have been advancing, we also have renewable energy which are more expensive but would help us at least with a small percentage of the energy potential. thanks for sharing great material as always.

Greetings friend. No doubt that as consumers we bear part of the responsibility, we are simply voracious consumers of energy and plastic, in quantities that the alternative sources to oil still do not satisfy, as long as this pattern continues our dependence on the exploitation and refining of hydrocarbons will continue.

Hello friend @carlos84.

As usual you share with us your excellent knowledge related to the wonderful world of hydrocarbons, it is important what you express:

certainly I can add that there are some oil companies that have joined the campaign to reduce carbon emissions, all this can be achieved because they have innovated new technologies to reduce emissions, however, greenhouse gas emissions are latent and in continuous advance until achieving complete independence of energy from fossil fuels.

It is a hard struggle to control the emission of greenhouse gases, but thanks to technological contributions it has been possible to reduce this negative aspect, thank you for sharing such educational content, many successes. Best regards.

Greetings @carlos84, certainly the oil industry is part of the large number of industries that emit more carbon emissions into the atmosphere, as you indicate as long as clean energy alternatives that can meet global demand are not sought the oil industry will continue to contribute to the deterioration of the environment. Although they have sought technological alternatives to reduce their carbon emissions, this is not enough.

hello @carlos 84 we hope that renewable energies reach the energy potential necessary to replace at least a small percentage of what is already generated by fossil fuels that not only have finished the world but are also very expensive.

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