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RE: SWIFT SANCTIONS - is it a NUCLEAR WEAPON in financial markets?

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Hello friend, excellent economic and financial analysis that you present.

All wars have negative consequences in all areas, I don't think the financial and economic one is the exception.

I believe that with sanctions they will not achieve anything, Russia already knew in advance the sanctions that were going to come for invading Ukraine, therefore they were already prepared for the sanctions that are being applied and those that are yet to be applied.

Would you be in favor of implementing SWIFT sanctions at this stage? If you would or would not, can you share the reasons behind your view?

I would not agree with such sanctions, just as I do not agree with Russia invading Ukraine, just as I am not in favor of war.

Not agreeing, if it were up to me to apply such economic sanctions I would not apply them.

The reasons for not applying them are simple: those who will end up feeling the weight of such sanctions are the peoples of the countries involved, because not only the Russian people will end up affected by such sanctions, but also the countries of Europe that depend on hydrocarbons for their continued development.

Also, what results would you expect on both sides (from an economic point of view) if such a solution will actually be pushed through?

In the short term I believe that both Russia and Europe will not feel the consequences of the sanctions, but already in the medium and long term continuing with such sanctions would make calamity happen for the most humble people.

Do you think it would affect you in any way (I am fully aware that it depends on the location of each of us).

Perhaps my country Venezuela is geographically very far away from where the conflict is being forged, however we cannot rule out some negative consequences, only time will tell if the consequences are positive or negative, in the same way we have political relations with the Russian government.

Due to the remoteness I believe that we will not have negative consequences related to the war conflict, however I believe that from the economic point of view we will, since we have economic relations with Russia and also because Russia is an active member of OPEC+.

Perhaps if NATO stops the provocative advance of adding to its ranks some countries that border Russia, this conflict and others that may be to come will end, the president of the Russian federation said that if NATO added to its ranks Sweden and Finland, then these countries would be the next to invade.

 3 years ago 

Hi @carlos84

I believe that with sanctions they will not achieve anything, Russia already knew in advance the sanctions that were going to come for invading Ukraine, therefore they were already prepared for the sanctions that are being applied and those that are yet to be applied.

I actually do not think they prepared themselfs well enough. It does look like they expected some small sanctions only and what they are experiencing is a total anihilation of their financial system and economy. This will cause huge unrest and tons of deaths within Russia in upcoming months.

In my opinion, Putin never expected that Europe can (for once) unite themselfs.

those who will end up feeling the weight of such sanctions are the peoples of the countries involved

That's sad but so very true.

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