How to win friends and influence the people of Dale Carnegie Part III: "Whoever is honest and sincere has the whole world with him"

in Project HOPE4 years ago


I believe that being sincere is what can catapult us towards that place that elevates our personal morals, and it is no more than honesty, it is important to understand that honesty is the result of sincerity, certainly one can be sincere without being humble, however neither can we deny the fact that when we are being sincere we are getting closer to being more and more honest.

Honesty and sincerity from my perspective are innate qualities of any human being and are an essential part of the morality of each of us, however it is a quality that can be developed depending on the interests of each person, that is why honesty and sincerity applies very well to the interests that are being developed in the writing of the book:

How to win friends and influence people?

Since one of the main interests of the qualities we must develop to fulfill a common goal is to get people to do what we want without them feeling obliged, in order to understand what the author of the book wants to tell us through these two new moral qualities such as honesty and sincerity, I want to start by quoting the following:

We cannot lose sight of the goal we are pursuing behind this very valuable book, and it is no more than to be able to use all the resources available through our treatment of people so that we can influence people is by talking to them about what they want to hear. For example:

If you don't want your child to smoke, don't preach to him, and don't talk about what you want; show him instead that cigarettes can keep him from making the school sports team, or winning the 100-meter race.

Quote from the book How to win friends and influence people

To have influence over people I believe we must be very intelligent, honesty also implies speaking to our neighbor the most absolute and convincing truth possible, but taking an initiative that is not at all hostile, especially considering that the person we are trying to convince is a person with a high rate of rebellion.

The example of the textual quotation of the book, touches a very common example in which a young teenager has the vice of smoking cigarettes, so his father wants to reverse that condition, the explicit of the case is that for the young man to stop it should not be done as the father wants, but it is convenient to let him know intelligently, telling him that if he continues to smoke cigarettes may lose the power to play some sport in the future.

This would be a truth very close to reality, but it does not put the adolescent in a state of rebellion, but on the contrary, it puts him/her in a state of alert to stop smoking, since it puts at risk something that calls the attention of most adolescents such as sports.

When we have a brilliant idea, instead of making the other person think it's ours, why not let him prepare that idea for himself, like that little girl prepared breakfast? Then he will consider that idea as his own; he will like it, and perhaps he will serve himself two portions.

Quote from the book How to win friends and influence people

I want to close this brief analysis on the positive way in which honesty and sincerity influence other people taking into account the last quote, it is important that our honesty is sufficiently capable of expressing humility so that we do not mind giving an idea to the person we want to change, it is important to make the person feel good that we are giving the idea, in the end that we can do to meet a specific objective and positively influence the behavior of another person.


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 4 years ago 

@tipu curate

Thanks for sharing another wonderful post about this book and I love how you quote and explain what you understand by it, thanks for doing that.

Thank you for commenting and contributing to the analysis of this book through this post. Greetings

good article, I think that from my point of view is to be consistent, people who take care of what they say enjoy more credibility now honesty is something that if you do not care you can end up issuing a comment that while it may be honest ends up hurting the person

That's why it is important in the way you are going to say something, that's why it is better to be prudent, greetings and thank you for commenting.

I believe that honesty is the best way to approach people, if we talk to our neighbor with the truth I think it will be easier to convince him to do something we want, but above all that it is a truth expressed with humility, because even if it is the truth but we express it with arrogance we will only find rejection, no one likes to see that he is wrong and even less to be noticed. Greetings my friend!

You have said it all, honesty with humility, certainly pride would tarnish that role of being able to convince by being honest if we do not manage to act with humility. Thank you very much for your contribution, greetings.

Wow you're right on point thanks for sharing and I did like to say I've learnt a lot. Being honest gives your friends and family confidence to confine every related problem or challenge they are faced with because they are confident you in your honesty. To be honest is to gain much trust from people.

That is a relevant point to act with honesty and gain trust, greetings and thank you for commenting.

Hi friend, 2 great qualities, I also agree with you, although sometimes being sincere and honest makes us pass as heartless people hehehe I think you also have to be tactful when saying things, for that reason many prefer hypocrisy or lies before being ruthless or rude people.

clappings for you friend.

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