Geosteering technology as an intelligent tool for drilling oil wells

in Project HOPE3 years ago

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Hello friends who love new technological innovations.

In this post I am going to explain you how Geosteering technology works in oil well drilling, thus providing an intelligent way to monitor drilling parameters.


Currently humanity still demands a high amount of energy, so we need a significant part of the existing oil in the world until we achieve complete sovereignty in other energy sources, the case is that to extract this oil must be achieved by drilling wells in inaccessible areas such as arid deserts of the Middle East, even areas such as the Arctic Ocean where conditions are so extreme.

Due to this demand for difficult access to extract oil, technologies such as Geosteering arise with the intention of providing a real-time readout of drilling parameters, which in turn can provide quick decision making while drilling is in progress.

In case this type of technology is not applied, it could be the reason for a series of negative triggers such as economic loss due to unproductivity and environmental problems.


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What is Geosteering technology?

It is a technology that connects digital devices with sensors that are located between the drill bit and the drill string, which in turn can process and transmit data on drilling parameters such as directional drilling properties like azimuth, TVD, MD, among others.

It is important to emphasize that through the use of this technology not only can we obtain information on drilling parameters in real time, but it also helps us to make a simulation prospecting of the reservoir.

The undesired events in the drilling of wells have made this type of technology so valuable because the monitoring of drilling properties play a key role in the proper functioning of drilling operations in the construction of the well, the geosteering software package to provide all these benefits makes the well is optimally drilled improving even the production of hydrocarbons once the well is drilled and completed.

The most impressive thing about this technology is that it provides us with a location of the well along with all the parameters at that location, this is done by generating a model that takes reading of the parameters in real time using structures of the same reservoir where drilling is being done.

To learn more about this technology, I invite you to watch the following video where the benefits of this technology are explained:

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The benefit of this technology is that it provides us with a software package designed to obtain in the drilling of oil wells a comprehensive engineering support, where mainly the benefits are mostly in directional and horizontal drilling, as I mentioned above the incredible thing about this technology is that it gives us an optimal positioning of the well within the target horizon, as we know at high depths is more difficult to keep track of the parameters in real time, which is why we have this technology.


hello @carlos84,
One of the things that humans are addicted to is energy, nowadays hydrocarbons are the king of energy and the technologies related to this industry still have enough economic benefits, the pandemic is about to end and that is where energy consumption on the planet will rise, no doubt that the value of oil will rise and the processes related to its extraction will also generate profits, that is where applying improvements in the process can make the difference between making or losing money with the extraction of oil.

Hola amigo @carlos84
I see more and more options emerging to have a better monitoring of drilling processes. With your posts I have also learned that as well as this invention, others allow to minimize risks and losses when the goal is to drill in the seabed. However, I hope that we can as a human race soon wean ourselves from oil derived energy, for the good of the planet.

Hello friend, yes hopefully we can find other alternative sources of more sustainable energy.

In the meantime engineering, science and technology help us to optimize processes.

Greetings and thanks for commenting.

Greetings friend, an interesting and very important tool for drilling wells. This activity has always carried great risks, so it is a great benefit for the drilling operation to be able to monitor the parameters of the drilling of a well in real time, being able to be modified during the same operation, which is relevant to avoid economic losses by finding a zone with low productivity or avoid environmental disasters.

Hello friend @emiliomoron

There are certainly multiple benefits of geosteering technology in oil well drilling.

Greetings and thanks for commenting.

Hello friend @carlos84.

As usual you share with us another great delivery related to the wonderful world of hydrocarbons and the technological advances related to this area.

Actually a great technology as you very well express:

It is a technology that connects digital devices with sensors that are located between the drill bit and the drill string, which in turn can process and transmit data on drilling parameters such as directional drilling properties like azimuth, TVD, MD, among others.

Actually I did not know this kind of technological application in oil well drilling, thank you for sharing such extraordinary content with all of us. Best regards.

hello friend @carlos84, I do not know the subject but I suppose that this technology should be used to find natural gas and water reserves or your sensors do not capture that? you ask because to find water deposits would be excellent.

Hello friend @rubenp.

The geosteering technology is only to take reading of drilling parameters in real time, it has nothing to do with the processes of exploration and search for hydrocarbons.

Greetings and thanks for your comment.

This is something huge invention in the field of drilling , as we all know their is a huge demand for the oil in current suitation but we need to see the future sooner or later oil will be vanished and we have to search for the new sources of energy otherwise we have to face huge loss for our future.

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