Full and True Leadership | Opinion

in Project HOPE4 years ago


In many environments leadership is assumed, however when one is beside a search for prestige and power, it is difficult to consider this as true assumed leadership as perhaps many understand it.

Prestige and power is something that should not be sought when one wants to assume full leadership, since these can be elements that come in an added form as the plans that the leader has set out are correctly executed.

Let's take the example of the immersed leadership within a company, the genuine leader will look for the way to deal with the problems that the company has, but above all to deal with these problems in a responsible way, where the solution to the problems has been the trigger of a set of good ideas for the benefit of a common good.

The serious posture and commitment that one has with the day to day to be able to face the problems causes that an innate responsibility is born that does very well to the entity where this type of leadership is being applied, nevertheless this posture triggers many errors in the vision of a true leadership, since to be a leader does not mean to impose your ideas, neither that your employees are afraid of you, but neither is a situation in which the leader has to be a popular person.

On the contrary, in order to develop true leadership, it is necessary to have an entrepreneurial vision for the fulfillment of the established objectives where the leadership is being carried out, be it a company or any other organization lacking leadership. In order to be able to fulfill those objectives it is important that the leader has a very important quality, and it is not other than helping his subordinates so that those objectives are fulfilled.

When the leader assumes a true and full leadership, helps his subordinates and similarly they help the leader to achieve their goals, is to always seek to succeed relationships win - win, where all factors involved give the best of each.

It is not an easy task to assume a true leadership, because sometimes you have to take positions that may seem to many to differ from a leadership, for example a leader sometimes must make good decisions, and for this is often not very well seen by others, but as I said earlier, a leader does not have to be popular, but on the contrary must be managed under favorable results.

Each person can contribute with the elements that in their opinion a leader must follow to exercise a true leadership, however these are some personal positions that I wanted to express, because I have always found it important to specify the environment and the characteristics of a true leadership.

Finally, I believe that a leader must be willing to exercise constant learning, when we believe that we know everything we are outside of the conditions to exercise true leadership, so this willingness to listen and learn from others will make us stronger to assume a true and full leadership.


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Greetings friend @carlos84

A leader must be a model to follow for the people around him, if we refer to a company has to be an entrepreneurial person where he motivates the staff to care about it by redeeming training and work hand in hand for that company to prosper into the future.

Thank you for sharing your article.

Greetings friend @carlos84.

As usual, it is always a pleasure to read your good articles.
In this opportunity you bring us an interesting content related to a total and true leadership, very important aspect since as you express:

In many environments leadership is assumed, however when one is next to a search for prestige and power, it is difficult to consider this as true leadership.

Thank you for sharing such important content. Successes.

@carlos84, your opinion is great a great attribute of a leader is for the leader to be able to learn on a constant base.

 4 years ago 

Hi @carlos84

Finally, I've managed to find some time to check out some of previously bookmarked publications. Interesting choice of topic buddy.

Perhaps one of the most difficult aspect of being a leader, one that tells so much about us -> is how do we react during difficult.

It's very easy to enjoy leadership during easy times. However, during crisis situations most leaders are failing. It's like checking cards in "poker" game.

After all, difficult times are exact moment when people do need their leaders the most. So it's important to be there for them. To be calm, kind, polite and mature. And most of all - patient and understanding.

Have a great monday ahead :)
Yours, Piotr

There are several leaders but not every leader can be considered as being good, some leaders are bent on imposing their ideas on their staff but a good leader understands the benefit of taking ideas from staff and treating them as important.

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