Did you know that marketing strategies are important in the oil industry?

in Project HOPE5 years ago (edited)


Greetings steemian friends and followers of my oil blog.

This time varying a little and refreshing my content, so I want to present this article focused on a series of considerations and reflections about the importance of incorporating marketing in the oil industry, especially considering the interconnected world today, where population growth and demand for goods is very high, there are emerging countries such as Asia, which have raised global oil demand.

While it is true that the price of oil has dropped considerably, this is due to many aspects, but there is currently one that is very influential, and that is the fact that the existing fear of bringing oil to China for fear of being able to spread the Coronavirus plague (NCOV-2019) to the rest of the world has meant that all this volume of oil cannot be supplied by another consumer trade partner as important as China.

It is under this very important scenario that I believe marketing knowledge in the oil industry comes to dominate as an important regulatory element to keep oil prices stable, since speculation can come to the agenda, either to establish an unrealistic cost upwards or downwards.


Image Source. Pixabay

What I really have to say is that I am not an expert in business or marketing, but my knowledge of oil engineering has led me to do some research on the world oil market, and how an idea can be sold that favors us all when it comes to oil.

As a Venezuelan, I feel obliged to do some research on this matter, since Venezuela is the country with the largest oil reserves in the world and a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). This year, OPEC has had to study and evaluate the possibility of lowering its production quota based on low prices.

Now, you may wonder:

what does all this study of low oil prices have to do with marketing?

From my perspective the marketing study is very important in the oil industry, since the marketing study has implicit that communicational and educational character, in which the consumers can be convinced of the reason of the determined price that I took the oil in their different markets of the producing countries, and the receptivity that the consuming countries can have.

Not only does marketing play an influential role in oil prices, but also in the survival of the companies that supply services and equipment to the great world oil industry. As the scenario is, with oil prices on a downward trend, it is very difficult for companies to offer their services and products to state-owned enterprises worldwide.

For private companies to be able to sell their products and services there has to be a marketing philosophy in which good services and high quality equipment can be offered at very good prices, all this capacity to offer in the marketing process should be covered by the optimization of the processes.

To understand what I mean by process optimization, it is necessary to go into the operation of the processes, the idea is that in the oil industry everyone wins, that is a win-win philosophy, for this I have to explain the phases that the oil industry goes through to obtain the oil products, and after I explain these processes I will explain the most important marketing process for each of these processes.

To obtain the oil it is necessary to go through its exploration and production process, where basically technical engineering studies supported by geology are carried out to discover the oil fields.

After the discovery of the oil field, the necessary techniques and equipment must be applied to drill the wells or holes, where communication is established with the subsoil and the surface, and the most appropriate production methods are established to exploit the oil and store it on the surface.

Now yes, once we understand the process of exploration, production and refining of oil then it is necessary that we analyze the following:

Some marketing strategies that are important in the oil industry

[1] First of all the oil equipment and services seller should consider that the oil industry is very technified, which makes the processes quite complex. Based on these assumptions, all sales strategies must be oriented.

[2] All efforts to publicize a product should be focused on being able to provide you with a complete solution in what is in-depth knowledge based on customer needs.

[3] Like other markets, the oil industry does not escape the reality in which the seller has to look for a way to attract the buyer's attention, either by advertising strategies or that their products are actually offered based on quality criteria.

[4] The channels of communication between the seller and the buyer must be suitable to be able to contact each time a product is required based on the buyer's need, especially taking into account that the consumer wants is a trusted supplier who always available when you need a team. It is also important that these communication channels are accurate so that the selling company can keep the buyer updated with new technologies and updates.

[5] It is necessary for the seller to set their methods and objectives, based on knowing what their particular market is, already knowing this will look for ways to focus all the strengths on a single type of buyer. For example, if you are a company that provides hydraulic key services, it is best to reach companies that provide well drilling service, since hydraulic wrenches are widely used in oil well drilling operations.

[6] In the case of oil customers, and I say this from experience, we always seek to buy equipment or request services from companies that handle information about their products based on statistics on the functionality and durability of their equipment. To make these statistics known is very important the use of brochures, video presentations, everything that is valuable so that we as buyers will make known the values of the brand, attributes, tools and technologies that are desired Consume.


Image Source. Pixabay

Conclusion and recommendations

In this article I can tell you in a nutshell that oil prices were treated as relevant and introductory aspects, taking into account the interconnected and multipolar world where all existing markets around the world are part of growth and development in the different economies of the world.

Within the context of oil prices I bring up an influential element as a regulator yearly oil price, as is the marketing study, since much of the misinformation based on the sale of goods and services within the oil industry generates price speculation that may be down or up, affecting the close buyer-seller relationship.

To understand a little bit the different marketing strategies, it is also necessary to process existing processes to explore and get oil, put it to produce and finally refine it to obtain its by-products.

Among the six marketing strategies explained and released in this article, I can tell you that all generate and express them based on my experience as an operations engineer at Petróleos de Venezuela. S.A (PDVSA), where I particularly served on some occasions as a supervisory and regulatory element of any purchase of products or services made to another private company.

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Hoping again to share very soon with all of you about the oil market and the economy spinning in this environment, your friend @carlos84


Nicely written.

I will like to talk a little about this from my point of view. It is true marketing has a lot to do in businesses and oil is part but at the same time, the low price of oil is factored to so many things but not marketing. It is quite easy to say that marketing works fine with Petroleum products sales and making consumers choose a brand to another but with crude it is different. There is little to what marketing can do.

First, crude sale is a national thing in which oil producing countries sell to non oil producing countries. The price of oil has been dropping not because there is no good marketing but because there is an increase in the discovery of oil in countries that did not have oil before also countries that had in low quantities are now finding more which makes the market saturated. There is more of supply to demand. Trump said in a press release when talking about iran that U.S did not need oil from iran since U.S is the largest oil producing country. The world consists of 195 countries with 96 being oil producers, that is about 49% of the countries in the world.

Not forgetting that increase in the consumption of electricity has reduced the importance of petroleum product for household consumption like electric cooking stove displacing the kerosene and cooking gas, electric heaters displacing the old fashion chimney way also electric self driving cars gradually defacing Petroleum Motor Spirit (PMS). This has also showed that petroleum is gradually losing its value in several households.

There will be a fall in price for a commodity that has much supply and losing its relevance gradually.

Thanks for sharing this.

Good point of view that you share with us friend @frederickbangs, is as you say, the price of oil has nothing to do with marketing, what I want to imply in this article is that due to the low prices of oil the private companies that supply equipment and services to the big national companies have to apply a good marketing philosophy in their sales, because due to low oil prices many of those services and equipment that were purchased in the past may no longer be available today, that is what I mean, we all know that the price of oil simply depends on the supply and demand that exists for this resource. I hope that I have clarified the point that was unfinished. Greetings and thank you for commenting on my post.

 5 years ago 

I really like to see how responsive you are @carlos84 :)

Thanks @crypto.piotr, well I think that one of the main qualities and responsibilities that a good steemian should have is to be receptive to his followers, especially considering that the topics he usually deals with generate a controversy that is almost always at the level of good debates.

Most of the time I answer the comments when the time allows me, and even more considering that this is a topic that I am very passionate about.

I am glad you replied my comment, thanks for doing this.

private companies that supply equipment and services to the big national companies have to apply a good marketing philosophy in their sales, because due to low oil prices many of those services and equipment that were purchased in the past may no longer be available today, that is what I mean.

Truthfully, i guess there is little to how long oil will be relevant to the world. Truthfully, for now marketing might be a saving grace for companies that supply services and equipments for oil companies but this will not last for long as a lot will have to start diversifying and improving according to how technology is moving.

I am talking about 50 years from now were oil will become obsolete at that point, what will be the need of marketing a service or equipment that is going into extinction gradually. What is the need of marketing a typewriter in this decade when the blockchain technology has even overshadowed the internet boom age.

Really when the energy that is demanded in the world manages to substitute the derivatives of hydrocarbons for other forms of energy, then the oil marketing will become obsolete, meanwhile I believe that approximately 300 years will pass in which hydrocarbons will continue in first place as the primary source for energy generation in the world, unless great inventions occur during the next few years that make the commercialization of oil and natural gas little or not at all attractive.

Thank you @frederickbangs for being part of this important debate that we have implemented based on this article (marketing strategies in the oil industry). Greetings

Dear @carlos84

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Upvoted already.,

Greetings @project.hope, I don't have telegram but if I have discord, I already join your discord server to know the rules of publication.

 5 years ago 

Lovely :) I already wrote back to you.

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hi @carlos84

marketing is very important for any industry and especially for oil; It is vital to understand the processes in order to succeed and improve the policies or forms used for commercialization.
Good article, thanks for sharing.

Posted using Partiko Android

Medium of exchanges by default have marketing strategies. Because so many people have theorized oil as a foundation for currency, it too would have a marketing strategy. This is more important for a crypto based national economic system.

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