Can success come from nothing?

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Hello friends of the Project Hope community.

I wanted to put that question in the title of this article to answer a great concern that some people may have who may mistakenly think that success comes out of nowhere, to answer this question it is essential to analyze certain points:

What does it mean to be successful?

Success is not the same for all people, this is because each of us set different objectives and goals, for example there is someone who wants to be an entrepreneur, others who want to be scientists, other athletes, that is why by wanting different things, success is different for each person.

In reference to the question we have been analyzing, it is logical to think that success does not come from nothing, i.e. no one becomes a scientist without spending hours and hours doing experimental tests in a laboratory, no one becomes a bodybuilder without training very hard training hours in the gym, nor will we see a soccer player who is put to play in a great team just because he has talent, certainly talent is important, but talent is not everything so it also requires hours of training.

Based on the conjectures previously analyzed, we can conclude that success does not come out of nowhere, so many of us when we want to embrace success in any venture we want to do we will need certain rules that may be basic but fundamental when we want to achieve success, and these are:

[1] Let's work hard: this means that many times talent is not so indispensable, since many people are talented, but that talent is lost because of bad discipline and lack of wanting to work hard.

Everything we want to achieve in life we must see it as a great training, that is why we must be the first to arrive at training appointments and be the last to leave the training, if we do not have talent that does not mean that we can not succeed, but we need strong training, hours and hours training to learn the necessary techniques, and not only that but to perfect it.

I want to give you the example of what I consider the best basketball player of all time, well if you guessed right I am referring to Michael Jordan, he was not the best because he had an innate talent, he was the best because of the sacrifice he made every time he trained, he was the first to arrive to practice and the last to leave, that is why to achieve success it is essential to work hard.


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[2] Bring out our best inner self: there are hidden things inside our entrepreneurial spirit that we often do not know how to bring out, but for this we must ignite the flame that is inside, once we ignite this flame we will be able to bring out the best of us in different competitive spaces that will lead us to success.


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[3] Find the difference: no one finds full satisfaction if they start the search for success wanting to copy someone else's model of success, it is essential that we can find the formula to be unique and genuine in our brand, it is our own style that will catapult us to success.

[4] It is important to see ourselves in a lack of improvement: even though we believe that we are already completing all the phases of the road to success it is always good to find some excuse to keep improving, it is never good to underestimate ourselves and believe that we have already achieved everything, for these is good the philosophy whose phrase says "I'm not that good yet, I need to keep improving". As long as we always have that spirit of wanting to improve, even when other people see us as successful with all the goals already achieved, for us it should never be enough.


For me it is never enough, even if other people tell me that I have already achieved everything possibly achievable, on that road to success it is essential that we never think we are the best, this will lead us to the beginning, that is to say to want to keep working hard, keep our inner flame burning and above all to set priorities that separate us from the rest.

I will always continue to give my best to feel the best I can, trying to achieve success, I will always give my best to feel good, success is part of what makes us feel good, but always without losing the course of hard work, keeping our own style that characterizes us and trying to be within a continuous learning.


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One of the things I believe is that while talent helps, perseverance trumps talent, smart work is better than hard work, but for a person to work smart and achieve success, they must first work hard on themselves to acquire the skills that will enable them to see the difference between hard work and smart work.

Hello dear friend @carlos84.

It is always a great pleasure to be able to visit your very rich blog since we can be enriched with a great variety of excellent articles like the one you share with us on this occasion.

Actually I totally agree with you, success never comes out of nowhere, for that we will always have to work very hard, I liked the example you put highlighting the great work done by His Majesty Michael Jordan, an example to follow.

Thank you friend for sharing such an important article with all of us. Greetings.

Hello @rbalzan79.

The example of Michael Jordan came to mind because certainly many people believe that everything Jordan achieved was only because of talent, but the reality is that much of his athletic accomplishments were due to his discipline, perseverance and constant hard work.

Greetings and thanks for commenting.

Greetings dear @carlos84. Undoubtedly, success does not come from nothing and does not come without effort, and if it did, I assure you that it would not be true or would not last, your advice is very appropriate, we should always give the best of us in every aspect, so we train ourselves to achieve success

Hello @emimoron.

Training is synonymous with perseverance and discipline, so they are valid arguments to achieve success, very important your comment, thanks for the contribution. Regards

Hello dear friend, to achieve success from my point of view, you must have a lot of discipline, discipline and above all a lot of intelligence, you placed an excellent example with Michael Jordan, an exceptional player who managed to form a great team that fully met the demands of its leader. The success of the Chicago Bulls in the 90's was not by chance.

See you later my friend, great post, have a great weekend !

Hi @amestyj.

I am very pleased that you liked the example I put in this case of Michael Jordan, I knew that many would like it, especially for what this character represents.

Greetings friend and thanks for your comment

Hello friend, certainly to achieve success we must be disciplined, constant and know how to treat our goals and objectives. Things do not happen overnight, if we want something to be a reality we must work for it and often sacrifice our time among other things. I like when you say that we must keep improving, that only leads to excellence. Greetings!

Hello @franyeligonzalez.

That's right friend, many times we have to sacrifice our time and above all keep improving, greetings and thank you for your comment.

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