Analysis of the significance of nuclear weapons technology as a stagnation point for the development of mankind

in Project HOPE2 years ago

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The human being throughout its history has made successive attempts to improve the technique in the processes that involve their activities, from prehistoric man to the present we have found an improvement in the tools used to improve their food, their machines and processes.

After all this process has been of great help and importance that humanity has been able to select the technique that best applies and performs optimally to their advances, it is impossible to talk about development during the origin of mankind to the present and what is still to advance if it were not for the use and constant technological improvement to which we are subjected.

Such use of technology is undoubtedly having diverse impacts on our lives and the planet in general, so it is important to consider some questions if we want to know how to predict our future, an example of this could be:

What generates, creates or enables nuclear weapons technology?

There are many technologies today, perhaps there are some that have been in existence for quite some time, however I would like to name one that may be very fashionable as a result of the war between Russia and Ukraine, this technology is nuclear weapons technology.

Countries such as the United States of America, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and perhaps others that escape me at the moment have nuclear weapons, and if we analyze the question, the only thing that these weapons generate is destruction on a large scale, so it is very easy to deduce that if these great superpowers enter into a war on a global scale could mean the end of our planet.

There are many technologies that have provided multiple benefits to human development, however it is appropriate to have talked about the technology of nuclear energy weapons, because if everything is over what sense does it make to talk about other technologies.

What preserves or enhances?

Taking the same example as in the previous question, what would be preserved by the use of nuclear weapons technology would be the massive fear of an expansion of nuclear radiation throughout the world and the subsequent annihilation of human life on our planet, the fear of mutations and phenomena of a biological nature.

Besides preserving the fear, it is also convenient to deduce that hunger and diseases would increase in case of a disaster of such magnitude, so up to this point and with the two questions developed and in full analysis we have been able to show that there is nothing positive to highlight from the application of such technology.

What does it recover or revalue?

Historically we have been able to know the power of destruction that have had the detonation of a nuclear technology bomb, since the bombs that exploded in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan leave evidence of it.

The Japanese society, families and common people may have been able to listen to the testimonies of older people and develop a sadness for what happened, with the application of this technology would again recover that feeling of sadness, to see how in a war conflict where bombs of that caliber are exploded nobody would win and on the contrary all humanity as a whole would be the loser.

The only thing that could be revalued in the case of the application of nuclear weapons technology would be the support and solidarity that we offer each other between the most affected and the least affected, and in this way be able to get out of a possible economic and humanitarian crisis that would leave a possible chaos like that.

What replaces or renders obsolete?

Humanity throughout its history has seen recognized its power of conquest and colonization, empires have emerged as the Persian, Roman, Mongol, among others, who dominated peoples and expanded their territories, all this experience brought that countries have to have a military might with weapons as advanced as possible for the defense of sovereignty.

In the first and second world war we saw how technology had a notorious influence, since the United Kingdom contributed by replacing the traditional cavalry to horses with war tanks as we know it today, in this way we could see that the war tanks turned out to be a technology that leaves the cavalry obsolete.

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Faced with this scenario, we ask ourselves:

Why despite the fact that nuclear weapons have been around for so long have they not replaced some old technology to make it obsolete?

The answer is very simple, nuclear weapons technology has not been able to replace traditional weapons technologies in warfare in the 21st century because their power is so devastating that the countries that possess them are afraid to use them.

The conclusion of the case for this last question is that this technology can never replace any existing technology as far as any weapons of war technology is concerned, and it is because of its devastating power that it endangers the existence of mankind on our planet.

Final analysis

As can be understood in this analysis focused on the 4 questions previously explained, there is no benefit in this technology, because although it is true that every country needs to evolve technologically in their weapons for the defense and protection of national sovereignty, nuclear weapons will continue to be the Achilles heel of all humanity, since the continued development of this technology only endangers our existence.


Hello @carlos84, What a great summary you have made on such a delicate and particular topic.
I think that the fear that humanity feels about the possible use of nuclear weapons by certain countries will always be latent.

The consequences are disastrous and incalculable, and it is obvious that some countries, even though they have them, do not use them, but keep them in their stock to cause panic and terror every time they threaten to use them.

In any case, I have always thought that the business of war is concentrated in the production and sale of weapons, as well as associated services.

Nobody knows the magnitude and consequences of a war until they are in the middle of one.

Thanks for this post.

Hi friend, certainly none of us really know the magnitude of chaos of a war until we are actually immersed in it.

Greetings and thank you for your support with your comment.

Hello friend @carlos84.

With the passing of the years the wars have been changing rapidly, nowadays we can observe that with just pressing a button they manage to launch a large nuclear bomb, which can do a lot of damage anywhere they launch it, this is another demonstration of technological advances, and with this we can see that every day they give harmful uses to this technology.

Hello @carlos84
This investment that we call nuclear energy really is something that well used can participate in many good things.on the planet as it is the.obtencion of energy, however, not cease to be a danger. But nuclear weapons are weapons that would destroy the planet or everyone on it. A nuclear war is the end of humanity...I see it that simple.

Hello @josevas217

Nuclear energy for electric power is a good thing, but not so for nuclear weapons.

Greetings my friend and thank you for your comment.

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I think these monsters called nuclear bombs have become a double-edged sword for any country that decides to use them. Perhaps the fear of not being able to match other countries that if they have them drives them to continue developing such an aberration. Let us hope that such a scenario will never come in which a war with nuclear bombs is carried out.

#affable #venezuela

Certainly my friend, let's hope that these weapons of mass destruction will never be used again.

Greetings and thanks for your comment.

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