Analysis of the environmental impact of the oil spill off the coast of Falcon State - Venezuela

in Project HOPE4 years ago


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Greetings, friends.

It really hurts me to have to be the bearer of this bad news, especially considering that my country Venezuela is not having a good time with the amount of people infected by covid-19.

On August 2 it was formally announced by a group of environmentalists that some beaches in Falcon State were full of oil, so these were the first impressions of what were the first investigations into the oil spill that would occur to reach Venezuela's continental waters, specifically those of Falcon State.


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In Falcón State there is a National Park, called Morrocoy National Park, which shelters a diversity of biological fauna, which is estimated to be strongly affected by this spill. Not only will marine and land fauna be affected, but it is estimated that this oil spill will have a strong negative impact on tourist activities very typical of this area.

Imagine the already battered Venezuelan economy, which before the covid-19 was already bad, now these fishermen in the coastal area have to deal with the negative impact that this spill will have from the environmental, fishing, tourism and economic point of view.


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In order to be able to explain at this point the origin of the oil spill, I think it is very premature, since no official statements have been made about it to clarify what the origin of this spill of greater proportions was.

However, in spite of the lack of official statements, some hypotheses are presumed to require confirmation first in order to be true, but I will explain them below:

1] One of the news hypotheses alleges that the spill may prevent the El Palito refinery. According to some anonymous PDVSA sources the oil spill could be causing a massive leak of oil from an oxidation pond where hydrocarbon wastes are dumped, but in reality there is no proof that this has been the case.


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Personally, I think that if studies are made of the natural movement of the wind, the tides and the ocean in that part of the Venezuelan Caribbean, it can be established whether the spill really occurred in that specific part.

I think that sooner or later it will be discovered exactly where the origin of the spill was and in what conditions it occurred, however let's go towards the second hypothesis:

[2] One source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the spill came from a ship and also added that clean-up activities are being carried out in the areas that have been affected by the oil.

In conclusion, this is a very sad situation, since from my point of view a slight cleaning will no longer revert the negative environmental impact that will take effect in the short, medium and long term.

Because oil has a certain density, part of it is washed away by sea waves, but another part goes to the bottom of the sea, decomposing and killing the fauna on the bottom.

Imagine the beauty of the Venezuelan Caribbean beaches in this area of Falcon, now it is going to be tarnished by this oil spill, without a doubt that tourism is going to have an economic impact on the region.

As this is a process that, in my view, is already irreversible and can only be alleviated a little, I only pray that this oil does not spread to other places, making the environmental impact more negative than it already is today.



Hello @carlos84 is very regrettable what happened on the Venezuelan coasts, as you say, the impact on tourism activities will be significant and not to mention the aquatic ecosystem that will see affected all its biodiversity. It is regrettable that this has happened and we hope that the situation will soon be clarified and that drastic measures will be taken on the matter.

Exactly friend @amestyj it is very important that this situation is clarified and that the guilty are punished criminally, since for this tragedy many marine species will die and the aquatic ecosystem will be seriously affected. Greetings and thanks for your contribution.

Hello @carlos84
The truth is, it's very unfortunate what happened.
I know Falcon well, the stick, that whole area, and it really is a paradise.
The damage is irreparable, and we simply know or can intuit who is responsible for such a disaster, with so much mismanagement in everything they touch...

Hello my dear friend @josevas217.

We still don't know who might be the culprit, however as you say under this economic and governance crisis it is difficult to carry out serious oil management in which oil activity is not compromised with the environment.

Greetings and thank you for your contribution.

Sadly, this is actually very shocking news. I imagine the situation of all those people who live on the tourist side and that their daily sustenance came from there. It is sad that every day our country goes through a situation like this, unfortunately the damage has already been caused and there is no going back, hopefully it won't happen again.

Hello @franyeligonzalez.

Certainly it is a very regrettable situation from every point of view, from the environmental point of view it is a negative impact, and from the economic point of view without a doubt that people who have their economy centered on tourism will be affected.

Greetings and thank you for your contribution.

this a shame, the impact on wildlife and on the life of these fishermans is so heavy.
Hope it Will be solved soon, before we see too many deaths.

Hello @reinaldoverdu.

How much we would like this situation to be reversible, but it is known that from the point of view of the negative environmental impact that this spill left, there are many things that cannot be solved.

I feel very bad for the Venezuela country and the people living in there as how they struggle financially. Instead of getting better financially day by day I guess there is just reasons arising making it worse

Hello @mandate.

I share the same sadness you feel about this situation.

The people of that part of the Falcon State coast have their financial income mostly from tourist activities, an activity that will certainly be affected.

Greetings friend @carlos84, that is regrettable when it happens, since the environmental damage is considerable, the important thing is to take the necessary measures so that it does not happen again, this is seen a lot in the oil countries but it is always sad to observe such pollution, we continue reading.

Certainly @rbalzan79 these situations are very common in oil countries when it occurs on a small scale, hopefully in large magnitudes as in the case of the Falcon state it will not happen again. Greetings and thanks for your comment

Oil spill could definitely lead to a greater disaster and pollution in the part of Venezuela which it is occurring and this implies that the Venezuelans in such location or environment are really at a high risk.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💕❤️

This is another risk that adds to the list of countless risks that all Venezuelans run, let's wait and see how all this ends.

Thank you very much for commenting. Greetings

This is so sad to hear, I do wonder if there is any way to quickly clean it up? There have been methods where you can clean up oil slick pretty quickly I've heard

Correct is something that has to be evaluated, the problem is in measuring the magnitude of the spill, in which part exactly was that it occurred, what scope it can have, in short a series of questions that can allow the establishment of the pace with which you can clean all this spill.

Greetings and thank you very much for your comment, especially with this important question that you have just established.

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