in Project HOPE3 years ago

Most times our heads are just filled up with the things that we want to accomplish and how we want to go from the level where we are to the point where we want to be. There is nothing as good as having a feeling of accomplishment, that joy of being able to move from your vision to the level of actualization.

The world that we live in does not reward or appreciate you for trying, nobody really cares about how well you have tried but people only reward and celebrate someone who has attained a level of great accomplishment, someone who did something differently or who sacrificed so much to get it right.

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A common mistake that a lot of people make is trying to do so many things at the same time, trying to jump around from one activity to the other hoping that one of those activities will end up giving them the difference that they want, but I really do not think success works in that manner. The people who get heavily paid/ rewarded for the things that they do stick to something that they are good at, you just need to look for that thing that you are specifically good at and improve on it every time rather than jumping from pillar to post.

The time that you spend trying to get to know those things that you are not good at, channel the same energy towards doing something that you are good at and watch it transform into something that you can do confidently without stress or hitch.

When people love what you do and they are fully ready to patronize you, it is easy to do business and remain confident on those days but what makes you super great is the decision that you choose to make on the days that your biggest customer walks out on you or on the days when you have overwhelming problems, if everything seems fine now then trust me when I say those days will surely come and your reaction to those days will be a determinant of what becomes of you at the long run.

Lonely days are certain as you continue to climb through the ladder of success, you begin to get more friends who only want to be with you for the benefits and they have no advantage to offer and that is when you figure out how lonely the journey can be, at this point it is only best for you to mingle with the set of people who have gotten to the height where you desire to be.


Best regards.When you talk about people who go from one activity to another, the word "focus" came to my mind, I think we have to stay focused. We cannot measure our success only by the recognition of others and we can be sure (or not) if we have given our best to achieve our goals. Thank you very much.

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