What you should do when people underestimate you.

in Project HOPE8 months ago

No one likes to be underestimated, the feeling that comes with it isn't cool at all. Whether it is a school or work setting everyone loves to be appreciated for their effort and not spoken down on or undervalued. But, if you are in a situation where you cannot leave, knowing what to say and do to make yourself feel better and not lose your self-esteem is essential.


Being underestimated can be very hurting and unpleasant, imagine being that one person in the room who is never given a big task to accomplish even when you know you may just be the right fit for the job.

What to do with those who underestimate you is to get into an assertive conversation with them. Assertive communication helps you express yourself clearly and maintain self-respect. When this type of communication is carried out, it will aid your perception, helping you describe how you feel even better.

While doing this, you should make use of the I word, putting your feelings out there without having to blame anyone else for the decisions made. Rehearse what you mean to say before you confront that situation, you do not want to appear before a person or people who look down on you looking even more stupid.

It may not make sense to listen to those who constantly underestimate you, but sometimes it may just be cool to listen to them. Through listening to them, the criticism given may also be used constructively., and this strategy is best for people who underestimate you but are not trying to be mean to you.


One of the very best ways to overcome criticism is to succeed in the face of those who underestimate you. Particularly, if you are succeeding in the face of the very thing they have always underestimated you for. If those who look down on you are rude to you, then you must walk away and learn to avoid that conversation. Engaging with these people brings nothing to the table.

In achieving your goal, you have to focus your energy on being intentional. Putting in all the hard work and dedication to get that done, makes a whole lot of difference. When you meet the desired goal, make sure to give yourself the reward you deserve. Remember that, in almost every work of life you are going to have people who will make it a habit to look down on you, it is left to you to stand up for yourself and defend yourself.

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