Motivation Isn't Enough for Financial Growth.

in Project HOPE2 years ago

I woke up this morning to certain quotes about how powerful words could transform the financial position of a person, I actually believe in being positive and declaring good thing’s over one’s life at all time, but I am also very much aware that there are people who say positive things every day and nothing has changed. This makes me believe that there is more to be done in order to make the positive affirmations work.


There are two categories of people who are concerned about speaking positively about their lives and situation, while the first party would speak these positive words and then go back to bed, the second party would stay up trying to look for ways to make those positive affirmations come through. After saying those positive affirmations and you go back to sleep every day, it is only expected that nothing is going to change, because the positive affirmations in themselves needs something to act upon.

This is one problem with extremely religious people in my country, they go to church every day and pray that things get to change for them positively without spending time to work, through their prayers, they hope that they would get free money handed over to them and when that fails to happen, they are quick to judge that there is no creator who answers prayers. In actual sense the creator has given us the complete responsibility to work and make a living for ourselves through the works of our hands.


I believe strongly in positive affirmations, but I believe even more in hard work, especially when you do not have any form of generational wealth handed down to you. Motivation in itself is not good enough when hard work is not put into practice.
The number of motivational speakers are on the rise on a daily basis is alarming, and please do not get me wrong, we need to stay motivated all the time, but motivation has no power to put food on the table, what motivation should do, is to get you prepared and make you work hard to put food on the table for yourself and your family. If you choose to listen to motivational quotes every day and then go back to sleep, hoping for some overnight miracles, then I am so sorry to disappoint you since things do not work that way.

This is my motivation to you today friends, get up, begin work, and make research, try out other available options, build yourself up, stay strong and watch things turn around for you. I remain excited to be a member of this lovely community, thank you for having me here, have a great weekend.


Effort is surely what will will get you into financial growth. Motivations are mainly words, they can't change your bank account.

Absolutely true @tfame3865, thanks for your time.

Motivation alone may not deliver the result. This is why you have to back up your Motivation with work, effort, and other factors necessary for success.

Excellent read Bimbo

Thank you Sam, constantly putting in required work will yield a good result eventually.

Great content that you share in this opportunity, and it is very true what the title expresses since motivation alone can not achieve the expected results, we must accompany it with actions that allow us to achieve our goals. Thanks for sharing this great article. Greetings.

Thank you for reading friend, I am happy you like it.

Motivation is like having faith. And if you have all the faith in the world, but you do no work, it is a complete waste. Thank you @bimbo45.

It's indeed an absolute waste of time, thanks for reading.

Motivation in itself is not good enough when hard work is not put into practice.

Motivation will do absolute nothing, if a man doesn't put in the required amount of work. Many people listen to motivation every morning and evening, like it was music - but don't take action, and they remain the same. Tangible actions must be taken, in order for motivation to have any usefulness. Thanks for posting.

Only tangible actions eventually brings out result, appreciate your time.

I think you are correct. It is important to stay positive but it is also equally important to put in the effort, set small achievable goals and see how small steps wil lchange your life.

Thank you so much for your time, sincerely appreciated.

Hi dear friend @bimbo45

In actual sense the creator has given us the complete responsibility to work and make a living for ourselves through the works of our hands.

I believe that God is contrary to the concept of money, it is logical that we need it to live and he understands it, but too much money leads most people astray, and most ask for too much money that they do not need

god bless you

Thank you for reading friend, I appreciate the feed back.

Rightly written buddy, positive affirmations are really good but the hard work that accompanies positive affirmations opens the door for a lot more great experiences and growth.

Thanks for your time friend, I appreciate the response.

Motivation is just the first in a very long list of steps. Stopping at motivation is like stopping at the first level of a staircase.

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