Project Hope competition #4 - For all content creators - "Warren Buffett"

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

Project Hope competition #4 - For all content creators

Hello friends, today I want to participate in this activity that friend @josevas217 brings us, I have always liked to know and investigate how businesses and company projects are managed, this invitation motivates us to investigate these important topics, now that I am In this path of cryptocurrencies and communities it is important to get involved in the art of finance and commerce, in this way we can open doors that would lead us to a prosperous future with good profits, I want to send a greeting to @juanmolina, @gbenga, @crypto.piotr and of course @project.hope, for motivating us with these contests.

If you had the opportunity to attend an intensive month of business training, which one would you choose?

I would choose to attend an intensive business training "Warren Buffett"


Today I want to talk to you about Mr. "Warren Buffett", a character who has given a great example of self-improvement, for a long time he has been immersed in the world of finance and business, he was born on August 30, 1930, a great An American investor who has done business all over the planet, despite his great fortune, he still lives in his old house, which he obtained in 1958 in the center of the city of Omaha, maintaining a life without opulence and great luxuries, and this attitude can us say a lot about this character, he was included in Time magazine's list of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2007.

"Warren Buffett"


El tiempo es amigo de los buenos negocios y enemigo de los mediocres

What do you think is the greatest strength in this character's economy?

One of the main marketing techniques of this person is to invest in companies with solid foundations and always in the long term, always controlling the balance sheets and income of these companies, with a special group of managers and great marketing in the brands to promote.

What would you like to learn from him?

I would like to learn from this friend, the ease and magnetism he has to attract investors, to develop large-scale projects, it is also important to learn, about the patience he has to wait in time, those positive results that have given him his great fortune.


Do you think your business will last much longer? Why?

When we talk about such a successful person in business, as "Warren Buffett" is, we have to take into account the great trajectory he has over time, his name is synonymous with success, for those reasons I think he will last for many years to come. , the trust that large investors place in their companies.

Do you think you really make a great contribution to the planet with your business?

We can see in his history that this character has written many books, where he exposes his great knowledge in relation to business and finance, but we also observe a very human and helpful man, with a beneficent heart, he has involved his fortune in many charitable institutions, to the point of leaving 99% in his will for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, for such a generous reason that it will do a good thing to thousands of citizens, who in one way or another will benefit from this great fortune , many of these foundations also protect the natural well-being of the planet.


Con este gran ejemplo de perseverancia y paciencia, podemos aprender mucho de este amigo, aveces queremos ver crecer nuestros negocios de una manera rápida y eficaz, pero olvidamos que no tenemos en cuenta los factores negativos que vamos a atravesar en el camino, solo pensamos en el éxito total, esa no es la realidad en la mayoría de los casos, por eso hay que tener en cuenta los factores tanto positivos y negativos, tener los planes de contingencias a la hora de las tormentas financieras.

Friends for your great support and for your time, I say goodbye with this thought that makes us grow more every day.

Someday I'll say "It wasn't easy but I made it"




Hi @betzaelcorvo
Thank you very much for participating in the contest. It's good to read you.
I think this character you share with us is certainly a great example of many things. Staying so many years in the market is not easy, and he has made it possible.
Besides, he is already more than 90 years old, and he is still actively working. That is a great character.

Thank you friend for your positive support, when I investigate about this man I was impressed by his dedication and his way of running these great companies, his philosophy in finance is wonderful and profitable in any area of ​​life "Passion is his virtue" It was great be in this activity and thanks for the contest greetings and success always

It is good to know that it served as inspiration to learn new things, I believe that we are always learning and without a doubt there is a lot to learn from this Character.
Thank you for participating.

Hello @betzaelcorvo
A great example of perseverance and patience, and I must applaud his generosity in considering leaving almost all of his fortune to charity, which speaks volumes about the kind of person he is and his feelings.
Good luck!
Best regards.

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