Project Hope competition for all content creators @berlin61 HUMAN IS TECHNOLOGY

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

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Greetings with Peace and Love first at the jurors @juanmolina and @josevas217 and to everyone who is interested to use his time and concentrate on reading my contribution to the Project Hope competition contest.

As i said already in my comment on the contest i am happy to meet this chance to express myself and hopefully find the audience who is willing to contemplate my views of a thing.

"Technology is important, but the only thing that really matters is what we do with it" said Muhammad Yunus once and gave us a view of his mind on a topic in one sentence, in a moment of time where in particular he reached, in his moment in his life.
What is it that he wanted to say? Or did he see something what we can not or not yet see?
For me this statement is too general and can be misleeding in the sense if someone has a bad intention he can develop something bad if he use technology.

What is technology and is it not something that has been with us since we are existing ? Why we give important to this technology? And is it that technology is the important thing to focus on in order to bring the change that we are all expecting, to live in a better world ?
A better life in the sense of feeling happy and free, have never come from outside one self.
If i look around myself today in this world i am surprised that in the modern age where technologie has reached his peak and is still developped, [not developping !]to a mindshaking or better to say mindbraking standard. Why ?
Nothing is getting better it is rather that things are on the brink of destruction and that in all the world!
If technology is important but it is only mattering what i do with it i have to understand that by this very moment there is a great misuse of technologie and this should be an alarming sign to anybody who think on this topic.

As a human who grow in the the modern west i was trained with a secular model of thinking but that always gave me a pain because i felt that inside me there is something that is against what i was been taught. It was not possible to explain this feeling to anybody and when i tried to find a listener i was left alone because my " fantasy" was direct considered as not real and i developed my inner world which in the years leeded me to the point that i did not want to obey or follow anybodys mind again.
Today i know that i had only the natural awareness of my God given spirit like every human and i accept the spiritual world as a reality for myself today.
No powerflow will ever come to existence without conecting positive and negative.
Now after years i know that a secular view can never leed to better and before i ask my self now in what way i can use to make something better with technology i look at technology as an example for myself and here is my point.
No machiene without control will produce a right thing it can even kill without control.
As scientist are restless in developping technologys and trying to polish already existing ones and let them appear more and more real, i start to say that it is the time to focus on the highest technology which is existing, the human.
All the humans in this world now have turned their eyes to a thing called technology, scools and university are puring out scientist and engineers but not one of them stands in front of all of us and explains the human as the masterpiece of all ever existing technologies in this world.
No created technology has ever created anything but the human.

And if we not understand ourself we will only be users but never creators but the human is a creator.
Use technology to understand yourself and i look at real technology, every individual has a quality but if without the right education no realisation of oneself will happen.
Like an orange tree will bring perfect orange, an olive tree will bring perfect olives.
But if you place any of this trees in a wrong area or you keep it away from light or you put poison in its water the tree will be growing, because life itself is the power needed to run a technology.
But this tree is not working right, still if you put now chemicals on that artificial empowerded tree it will again bear fruits and its fruit will poison those who eat this fruit.
Not be like a tree who not bear natural fruits
If you put water in a car instead of petrol not expect this car to function.

Everything is in continues movement and in the time of Muhammad Yunus it was to make his statement but today it is urgently needed to develop this sentence and much more important to understand:

"The human as a natural technology is important, but the only thing that really matters is what we do with it"

Come back to life and spirit as a real unity and you will be able to use technology in the right way, now anything what you do with it matters for sure!


I am sorry for using more words than the contest need, and in fact i wanted to go more in detail, i hope still this article will find acceptation by the jury to be considered as valid for the contest.

With best greetings to @bright-obias @samuel20 @steemcurator01 and all others



Hello @berlin61
Very much in line with your approach, there is no technology more advanced than the human being. There are not yet tools to understand the functioning of the mind, it is a technology that cannot be seen, but it can be appreciated.
Everything is done on the basis of a copy to the natural.
It is interesting your posture and everything that has emerged from a sentence. A little long the content based on the rules, but no doubt I had much to say about it, good that from the contest you have been able to do so.
Thank you for competing and for writing from Project Hope

Hello @josevas217
thanks for your kind words.
Is it that you accepted me for the contest ?
I will be very happy.
I found finally a platform to express myself and the inspiration is flowing.
best greetings

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