Technology has improved because it has always solved problems

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Civilization in the world came with a problem and trying to solve it. Humans started transportation because the wanted to move themselves and goods from one place to another at the fastest time possible and this brought about the use of Carmel, Donkeys, to trains, cars, trucks, planes, jets, and now in the race to solve the problem of time with respect to transportation, hyperloop trains are being created and many more.


In the same order did humans try to solve the problems related to communication and with this came the telephone, fax machine, GSM, and now smartphones. Humans wanted to start keeping data, dealing with bandwidth and storage, and there came the internet, cloud computing, Card storage and so on came into being.

Technology has never been without the aim to solve problem and that is why most tech companies are making too much money. Google, Facebook, Snapchat, and Twitter tried to solve communication and connecting with people which birthed social media and the companies combined is worth trillions in dollars and it solved the communication problem once and for all. Tesla is solving automation and the use of renewable energy for human purposes and this has made Tesla the most valuable automobile company with billions of dollars in valuation.


Tech will continue to improve provided there is a problem to solve although most times, it looks like it is posing great treat to humans in so many ways but at the same time, it is the one solving the problems. Fossil fuel technology brought about climate change and death to living creatures and at the same time, renewable energy is bringing a solution to the problem being caused.


The world will not remain the same without the way technology has helped the improving of the world standard

Technology has indeed added a great asset to the world entirely.

Technology of course will continue to improve, anything that focuses on making the life of people better has no other choice but to keep getting better.

Hola @ben-edom.

Gran artículo el que nos compartes en esta oportunidad, es importante lo que planteas ya que cualquier persona de este planeta puede comprobar el gran impacto que ha tenido los avances tecnológicos en sus vidas, y esto lo podemos observar en cualquier aspecto, cuando el hombre realiza una creación de una determinada máquina es con la finalidad de dar respuesta a un determinado problema que existe en su entorno, este aspecto ha sido así durante el transcurrir de nuestra historia.

Por lo tanto, la tecnología seguirá mejorando en búsqueda de soluciones a nuevos problemas planteados dentro de la humanidad, gracias por compartir tan extraordinario contenido. Éxitos.

From my point of view, technology has helped us to change the world, every day new innovations arise that man has developed to make it grow more and have a better standard worldwide, which helps us to continue improving. Greetings and thanks for your article.

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