Financial principles followed by the rich to keep earning

in Project HOPE4 years ago

The truth is that school has taught us that we need to earn as much degree as we can earn then get into the real world and begin to exchange every hour of the day for money but the truth that we might not like to hear is that we end up getting employed by someone who did not even get as much degree as we have.


The difference between us and those people who employ us is that they handle their time in a different way, a new business owner might be paying employees and not even earn anything at the beginning of a business but after some years he will definitely have something to show off for the sacrifices made, but I understand that it is not possible for everyone to become a business owner as not everyone is willing or able to make the necessary sacrifice, but the rich understand the importance and value of their time and that is the reason why they continue to get wealthy.

Following the principle of trading our time for money, we might have to work tirelessly all through the seven days of the week considering every single hour without rest which is not attainable for any human since it is necessary for us to act least get a moment of rest once in a while, this principle is not a new thing but I like to hear it over and over again because it serves as a reminder of the way things should be done, studies have shown that the financially free people we read and hear about are those people who are able to detach the value obtained from their time with money.


These set of people clearly understand that the money attached to their time cannot be like that forever and cannot earn them financial freedom so they focus on creating a solution that will continue to generate funds for them over a long period. The rich also understand that living all their lives attached to a means of earning will do them no good so they diversify their means of earning, they look for other ways to add more to their financial inflow instead of relying on one, that way even if there is a financial crises from one source of income they are sure that there is another means of generating money.

Asides from earning hourly, there are still other profitable ways to earn by doing very little tasks or getting engaged in so other activities, the rich understand this principle and they do not joke with it, as someone who is also interested in earning more, this is also a rule we should copy from the rich. I am glad you read my post please leave a comment behind, this will help me learn learn from your opinion.


I cannot agree less with you on this subject, an ordinary man tries to exchange every minute of his time for money while the rich knows how to leverage on other people's time to earn.

Absolutely correct, thank you so much for reading through.

Hello @ben-edom
I read these principles often, but it is not always so easy to carry them out, more so in today's reality which is a little complex, but in spite of that, one should always have the goal of being able to sacrifice less time in work and in things that we do not like to do.

Life is really about making sacrifices and in order for a sacrifice to come through we need to be willing to put in our best, thanks a lot for reading.

Hello friend, you are right, not everyone is willing to make sacrifices for their financial freedom so most people are ordinary employees and will remain so for the rest of their lives.

It is not truly not convenient and only a few people are willing to go through the stress.

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