Crowd Sourcing: Hire A Free Team Of Experts

in Project HOPE4 years ago

When you work from home or in a small company life can be quite lonely and you will not have the benefit of a team of people to help you with queries and problems that arise during the day. Large corporations have legal teams, tax experts, technical assistants, secretaries, administrators, accounts departments and on and on the list goes. You probably have to be all those things at some time or another!

How can you get help? Ideally you may have some people that you call on and happily pay for their services. There are times though when all you need is a simple answer and why should you have to take time out and pay for that if you can get it for free? What is the answer?

Crowd Sourcing is a brilliant way to have a team of experts on call.


Have you heard about Crowd Sourcing?

Crowd sourcing is all about you asking a question to a large number of people. These can be on a specialist forum or chat room. To make it really work you also need to be prepared to help others by answering questions yourself. You can even set up a chat room group yourself using an application such as Skype. For example if you want help with Website Design find a forum or chat room where designers hang out and are prepared to help each other. You can keep a chat room open all day on your computer without being distracted and just check the requests for help when you take a break.

Just imagine as a web designer that you are having trouble with something you have not come across before. Wouldn’t it be great if you had access to potentially hundreds of people that will know how to do this? Or maybe you are new to Wordpress and just don’t understand one of the features. There are many blogging groups out there for you to join and share information.

Crowd sourcing has more than the benefit of solving problems. It also gives those that work on their own a feeling of support and even friendships can develop between members of the group. I belong to a local business group made up of many types of businesses and we have a website with a chat room that many members keep open to help each other as well as forums to ask questions and discuss topics.

You are never alone!

With crowd sourcing you are never alone so go online and seach for forums and chatrooms to suit your requirements and take full part in them and you will see how well this works.


I have a friend who was able to become an expert in his field through this crowd sourcing option you have suggested, it is a very good way to get better at skill development and even meet new people who are also ready to teach.

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