7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Habit One

in Project HOPE4 years ago


7 Habits Overview

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a book written by Steven Covey that I have introduced in a previous post.

The7 Habits are universal and timeless, and they work on core character traits that allow us to grow and be more effective.

In my introduction post, I have introduced the definition of effectiveness and how we need to balance Production (P) with our capability to produce - Production Capability (PC). Covey refers to this as the P/PC balance.

I also introduced the maturity model where we can move from being dependent people; to independent people; and finally to interdependence.

Prelude to Habit 1

Before going introducing Habit 1, I am going to tell a story that I believe illustrates the essence of the habit.

A man was taking an early morning walk along the coast. The sun was yet to rise but he already knew it was going to be another lovely day. He looked down the beach and soaked in the lovely view of the bay where the deep blue sea was lapping against the sandy shore. Something caught his eye further down the beach. It looked like someone was dancing on the beach, waving their arms around as they span around and around. They kept repeating the same hypnotic dance movement. As he got closer, he realised they were not actually dancing but there was a lady who as throwing something into the sea repeatedly. He wondered what she was doing but when he got closer, he realised the beach had starfish all over it and she was picking them up, spinning around and throwing them back into the sea.

He approached her and asked, "Why are you doing that?" She replied, "In 20 minutes the sun will rise and the heat will kill the starfish that have washed up on the beach." He pondered this amazed and responded, "There must be thousands of starfish on this beach and there are miles of other beaches. What difference is it going to make?" The woman picked up a starfish, spun around and throw it into the sea. "It made a difference for him!"

Habit One - Be Proactive

How often do we make excuses for ourselves? I am not good at maths? I have never been good at foreign languages. We often talk ourselves out of doing something rather than just do it. We can blame society, genetics, the weather, the conditions, our conditioning or anything else available that can be blamed.

Instead of just blaming - Be Proactive.

This has to be the first habit on any journey of personal change as all change works within.

Show some initiative
Image source

If you have an argument with someone. Instead of just getting all upset, try asking yourself. What can I do to change this situation? If you aren't doing well in school or college - again, what can you do to change the situation?

"I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.”

Dr. Stephen R. Covey

We shouldn't be deluded that we are all superheroes but we can make a difference. Just like saving the starfish. If you are worried about global warming, you cannot fix it, but you can do something. If you want to get a good job, you cannot success, but you can do things to improve your chances. If you want to overthrow a dictator, you might not have the political power, but you can do something. Change starts with the will to change and we can all make a difference in our own lives and how we interact in society.

Don't give up. Life won't always go your way but when things go wrong - proactive people turn the page and carry on.

The Freedom to Choose

Proactive people stop worrying about what others might think and about worries they have no control over. Proactive people focus their energy on the things that they can change and influence. They become agents of change by developing 4 human gifts that we all possess:

  • Self-awareness
  • Conscience
  • Imagination
  • Independent will

The things that we can change, are in our Circle of Influence which includes our health, our family relationships, our work. This is opposed to reactive people who concentrate on their Circle of Concern, that is the things they have no influence over. e.g. tax rises, global events, terrorism, the weather.

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So let's choose to be proactive and change the things we can. We can't work towards the bigger issues like global warming but only where the changes are within our Circle of Influence. We cannot rescue all the starfish but we can make a difference.

So let's not be reactive, be proactive.

Next Post

If you like this post, please comment below and in the next post, we will look at Habit 2.

 4 years ago 

Hi @awah

If you are right excellent book and the seven habits I very much agree with you we must be proactive and always have initiative and ability to anticipate future problems or needs.

I await the next publication.


Hi @lanzjoseg

Thanks for your comment. The next publication will follow shortly.

Effectiveness comes as a result of our ability to reason properly about what we want to achieve out of life, great share.

Hi @ojerinde

I agree, you will love habit 2 which I am posting next as it delves into that even more. Thanks for your feedback!

It will be also correct to state that the change begins from our ability to handle certain things and of course to those things we cannot handle effectively.

HI @eni-ola

You are right, we can only do what we can do and we don't have the ability to do everything. However, let's not talk ourselves out of doing what we can do.

Thanks for your comment.

I recently finished reading it, in this times of uncertainty everybody needs to read that book.

Hi @acont

Thanks for your comment. It is definitely a great book and I recommend everyone to read it. I also teach the 7 Habits at both my work and at my youth group. So thought I should also share here for those who haven't read it yet. Thanks for your contribution.

It is essential to try out nee things as it makes us better, expecting the other habits.

hi @papa-mensa

Thanks for your comment - it is always good to hear how opinions of others so that we can broaden our knowledge. The habits build on each other so hopefully, you will like that as I post more over the next few days.

Our decision to remain at a certain level makes us stagnant, it is essential to get up and try out something that could change us as well as the society.
Great share.

Hi @ben-edom

Thanks for your comment. All personal change starts from within so instead of just looking at problems and complaining, we need to ask ourselves what we could do personally to change the situation. One step at a time we can all help make the world better.

Hi @awah
Cool !!
But unfortunately, habits 2-7 have to wait for the next posts.

Thanks for your comment @teach-me

I am trying to give out the habits in bite-sized amounts.

Consistency in building yourself to achieve greatness will definitely result in achievement of success.

Hi @frederickbangs - thanks for your comment on my post. I hope more people can take the first step towards the achievement of success.

I hope you will come back for my next posts looking at the other habits.

Resteemed already. Upvote on the way :)

Solid read @awah.

@tipu curate

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