I don't have any Bitcoin

in Project HOPE3 years ago


I have been into Cryptocurrencies since 2016 and at the very beginning, I started with Bitcoin Cloud Mining with several websites like Genesis Mining, Hashing24, and Hashflare. Later down the road I did invest in some not-so-savory websites and I did lose some of my Bitcoin, but I consider this my educational fees as you need to learn these lessons the hard way so that you never fall for those ones again. But once the 2018 Bull Cycle happened I liquidated almost all my Bitcoin for a hefty profit for myself.

And I never bought Bitcoin Again !!

I don't know why but I have never found an opportunity to get back into buying Bitcoin as I always feel like it's going to DIP and it never does. I am very bad with timing the DIP man and I speak from actual experience. Then the whole banking ban in India came to fruition and there was no way for me to buy Bitcoin without getting into some trouble. Yes, I could have bought bitcoin without getting into trouble but I wasn't going to take any chances. So basically I was in Crypto without any Bitcoin in my Portfolio.


But now I am slowly building up my Bitcoin Holdings via Mining. I told you guys about how I was Mining Ethereum on my PC and converting them to Bitcoin. I am making close to 5 USD per day and I am planning to keep this Bitcoin as my only Bitcoin Holding for now. But apart from that, I am also planning on buying 2000 INR worth of Bitcoin every single month much like I do Gold. It seems this type of investment suits me the best rather than sit and wait for the DIP.

So I hope next year I do have a nice accumulation of Bitcoin both via Mining and Systematic Investing.



Wow this is an intrested true story..

Learning sometimes hurts a lot ... however when we overcome we not only do it with more knowledge but with the necessary impetus to show ourselves that we can, thank you very much @arunava for sharing your life experience that may well serve us all to visualize how to do things in terms of cryptocurrencies.

Successful in your new investment strategy!

Greetings @arunava it is a pity the prohibitions that you have in your country as far as BTC is concerned, in the same way the one who invests in Bitcoin will not lose his investment on the contrary the time will allow him to generate substantial profits. Thank you for your contribution

this story seems like a novel bro, how strong, buy btc no matter the laws for that we have binance and p2p.

Greetings @ arunava No doubt the restrictions in your country are strong in relation to Bitcoin, I hope you can get a prompt solution for those investments so necessary in these times .
Thanks for sharing your post

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