Psychology & Marketing.

in Project HOPE4 years ago
Marketing is an emerging and novel system of relationships that not only economically advanced societies live today, but also those that aspire to be so. With the characteristics of a multidisciplinary science, marketing enjoys the addictions of the modern and the postmodern and the rejection of the orthodox and the dogmatics.


It should be taken into account that marketing seeks to predict the user's demands and drive the markets towards the full satisfaction of the consumer's needs and services. Therefore, the need arises to discover what consumers think and to extract from them the needs they demand in order to satisfy them.


Psychology is important in Marketing

Every decision made by a consumer or user is previously thought by many psychological stimuli of various kinds, such as emotions, preferences and rejections. Therefore, human decisions are formed by a psychological impulse. That is why it is important to induce the individual to decide as planned in the marketing strategy and thus get him to go from being a random subject to a potential consumer.
Marketing is generated from the paradigm of consumption, psychology is born from the paradigm of control. The ideal for marketing would be, from its original version, the control of consumption. If this were possible, it would undoubtedly mean the control of consumer behavior patterns associated with one product or another.



Market research, especially consumer research, needs psychology. It is not possible to study the tastes and preferences of consumers without the participation of a psychologist. It is worth remembering that in the past, psychology was involved in the development of the original media and that it was its performance that determined the scope of these media and their impact on society. A society to which marketing is presented as an entity that touches everything. In the past, social, clinical and occupational psychology made evidence of the weaknesses and strengths of communication and it is to be expected that the same will happen in modern times with marketing.
It should also be noted that psychology has intervened in very important processes in the development of man with being public. This discipline was in charge of generating that men of politics, business and production became aware that to direct is not to command. Management ceased to be a mixture of intuition and experience to become the cutting edge, leadership became a scientific part thanks to the multiple contributions of psychology at that time.

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Psychology and the web of emotions

Almost everyone buys things every day. Sometimes we dedicate a lot of time and effort to the purchase of some products, either because of their importance, the importance of their use in our life, or because of the price we are forced to pay. Other times we acquire products moved by irrational, uncontrolled impulses, which arise from within us as if guided by an alien will. In either case, the behavior is not casual, nor is it guided by principles different from those that govern us in other situations. It is needs or emotions that induce the purchase, it is inherent to human beings and their psyche.
To talk about consumer behavior is to talk about human behavior, and consumers who now use the networks in a high percentage, are still people when it comes to buying, and the driving forces that drive them towards a good that is the payment of its price, are no different from those that drive us in any other context of their lives. Online shopping has optimized this behavior. It has made it easy. The onslaught that the consumer receives through the networks can sometimes upset his emotional balance when he is not well oriented.


Psychology is a factor to be taken into account in the marketing world. An indispensable part to know how users think and reach them in a more direct way. Thanks to the work of this type of techniques, brands are able to anticipate and generate motivation, anxiety and interest in users through their products.


Hello @aplausos

Good point "marketing enjoys the addictions of the modern and the postmodern and the rejection of the orthodox and the dogmatic", it is in essence like a kind of a paradigm that does not end up positioning itself, however, its strategies have direct impact with all types of consumers among these the same orthodox detractors and dogmatists.

Best regards, be well.

Certainly the important thing is to overcome and demonstrate little by little that dogmatism delays the optimization of marketing and its future as a strategic point in the market, thank you for reading me.

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