Marketing to survive today.

in Project HOPE3 years ago
There are elements or tools for the current marketing that must be selected intelligently, the world economy is currently in constant change, this is no secret for anyone nor am I making an innovation, the sense of this publication is to alert on how to use the tools according to the business and how to enhance their use in this globalized planet with so many difficulties and shortages but at the same time with a huge potential for reinvention, transformation in all branches in which human beings divide their productive activities.



The first thing I should point out is the marketing audit, which is a tool used to analyze the environment and the situation of what is happening in the company or enterprise. By means of it the opportunities and threats of the business are known, it must be very sincere, very realistic, not to deceive ourselves, that as north for its effectiveness. Do I have possibilities? Can I assume this challenge? These are the first questions in this analysis.



The second thing to point out as vital is innovation, in most marketing products, promotions tend to be repetitive, or aim for different results by doing the same thing. That is why innovation is considered an anchor as a starting point for changes or adjustments that are desired, the current high digital competition requires all possible creativity in business, and this is an inexhaustible element in man, originality and creativity pillars that support innovation in any area.



Customer loyalty is a very important element, this is achieved through direct contact with them and the content generated when promoting to sell, some see marketing only for advertising use, the whole purpose of this is to sell, enter the market supply and demand to ensure the survival of the product.


To survive in this changing world the most necessary thing is to know the business, create formulas to innovate it, use a marketing that allows you to spread it, be honest in the content, serve each client with their weaknesses and potentialities, does it seem difficult? It is not, it just requires your commitment and work force to achieve the goals you set and offer the outside a quality brand with quality work that sometimes is difficult to achieve, a lot of positive energy to achieve it is also necessary and you will reach success.


Connecting with customers on a strong level will help a brand grow better. Innovation is something customers are constantly looking for, the consistency in innovation and meeting with the desires of customers will keep the business growing.

One of the best tools is to connect directly with the customer and that is what social networks give us in a very special way at this moment, they make us feel close to our customers and suppliers and even those who are not yet our customers we can make them potential.

thanks for sharing a big kiss

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