The Blockchain and Food Security and Biosecurity

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

Greetings dear readers, today I come to comment and generate discussion based on some things that have already been happening in the development of blockchain technology and its implementation in the development and complementation of data from the agro-food industry.


Fuente Pexel

For some time now, European states have been working hard on issues such as food security, understanding it as the organic and biological safety of the product before it is consumed. In Latin America, we understand food security as the capacity of states to provide food to their citizens.

The Blocking Chain has been integrated into these processes, especially into the European concept, developing APIs, which allow product traceability information to be obtained, with traceability being understood as the chain "from the farm to the table". through which the processed product passes.

Until December, before the announcement of the Covid-19 the Blockchain was being integrated into a series of processes in the agro-food development chain, detection of gluten-free products as is the case of Blockbear in Uruguay, Sustainable Shrimp Partnership in Ecuador who together with shrimp producers are developing a traceability system for this product by scanning QR code. In Colombia, where coffee is the main export item, the same happens with the company Thank My Farmer for the traceability of coffee and its export.

These advances are wonderful, they also favor the development of the denomination of origin and the food culture of the people, which well worked becomes sources of economic and cultural income for the countries, which allows the greater development of the export, the tourism among other activities that contribute to the GDP of the nations.

Now my question is the following, after knowing the current situation in the world, after knowing that post covid-19 we will have new norms in society, not only of hygiene but even of communication, it is necessary to develop bio-safety systems through the use of blockchain, we have already been working on some aspects using blockchain technology in the medical industry as is the case of TrustedHealth. io/contact) whose blockchain aims at medical registration and patient protection from high-risk diseases, the project records all data from medical consultations that can then be used worldwide through the use of the blockchain network to manage correct diagnoses.

But biosafety is going to become a central issue for the coming years, not only of the product to be consumed, not only its traceability or designation of origin, but also the conditions of handling and packaging, analysis of containers port to port and the subsequent consumption chain.

What could the Blockchain offer us in terms of biosecurity?

The constant risk of transmission of viruses that every day are becoming more resistant and lethal makes us stop to think about the development of strategies that allow us not only to verify the nutritional data, expiration, origin and certification of a food product, but also its biosecurity status, including the packaging, issues that previously had not been taken into account.

I am sure that through the use of artificial intelligence, man's intelligence, blockchain and God's help first, we will soon not only have a vaccine for covid-19, but we will have new agro-food certification systems, not only introduce packaging but, new forms of storage, and packaging and of course new ways to know this data simply and quickly.

Well, this has been my reflection, considering myself a neophyte on the subject of blockchain, I raise my questions, I await your opinions and discussions in the comments.

Good reading, and until the next opportunity


This covid19 has definitely put a full stop on many things but aint good enough to hurt blockchain perhaps :p
yes by what you mentioned, we will soon get its vaccine by the help of GOD :)
Massive respect :)
Good work my friend :)

I am not an expert in Blockchain either, but, I can think that it will facilitate processes and that it will be impossible to manipulate the data that is recorded in it.
Doing this, we are more and more aware of properly guarding the whole process.
The artificial intelligence will be key in this new reality. Globalisation will be approached in a different way. But there is no doubt that there will be radical changes after the covid-19, in fact there already are.

we are very far from that, there is something important when talking about blockchain, and that is that this information is public and in an era where information is power I doubt that they will easily accept this technology, the time will come when the great centers of power will have to decide whether to democratize information or not

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