What would humanity be without technology?

Motivation for the week

May my desire to win and fulfill my dream be greater than the challenges that must be faced day after day.

Is impossible to imagine today's society without technology, she is necessary. To live without technology with each passing day human life becomes more difficult. Technology is and will continue to be a powerful ally to strengthen our arsenal against the current crisis.


Nowadays, people are increasingly united by the use of technology, but unfortunately the misuse and too much made people feel more and more anguished and lonely in their virtual castles, because they do not see themselves face to face anymore, becoming an obscure path for many.

In fact, access to the many benefits of technology is still restricted to a few and inequality has happily grown. Much of the knowledge we acquired was through our relationships with technology, nowadays everything we search for on the internet we find answers, and even the face-to-face classes are no longer necessary.

Technology in favor of humanity!

Both science and technology are important instruments for health and the treatment of diseases, as well as for the construction of a civilizing moment of peace and a decent and decent life for all. It is necessary to unite for a society where technological advancement is used in favor of humanity, and not only and only for productivity, technology needs to be more inclusive and the human being more human.

Human beings have placed many expectations on technology for problem solving, which comes from the cure of cancer to the drama of refugees, and also the effects of climate change, and today, due to the pandemic that everyone is experiencing, we are looking for a cure. of the corona virus that is plaguing all of humanity.

Technology brings us hope ...

There are still those who fear for technology, the fact that it still destroys humanity, Sophia for example: robot that promised to destroy humans will be mass produced.

Understand the joke that left many worried, Sophia acted with humor that scares many people, in an interview with CNBC in 2017 she said that she will destroy humans, smiling in the sequence.

But it is a fact that technology has been creating conditions for advances and improvements in all human areas and business segments, increasing the efficiency of processes. Many deal with this set of technologies, which then includes ... Artificial intelligence, the internet of things, the blockchain itself, we also have virtual and augmented reality and 5G which in many places is already in use.

Certainly challenges will come along the way, but at some point, do we have to think about what future we want? What way of life do we want?

Technology is part of us, and with it we can go far beyond what we imagined going. We must not fear the power of technology, technology arises from man's need and grows according to his study and deepening.

Thanks for reading !


Technology is a great tool and highly benefitial, it only becomes evil as a result of humans evil desires and wickedness. Nice read

It is true! Thank you for reading and commenting. Success to you!

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