Some considerations on the use of the Internet

in Project HOPE3 years ago
Dear readers, the Internet is a great tool that provides users with information of interest and allows for the exchange of information. Hahn (1995) states that the Internet is the name of a group of global information resources, with a set of computer networks, interconnected with each other that give rise to the largest network of networks worldwide''.

Image alluding to the internet platform

Public domain image property of Elisa garcia 1994

That is to say, through the Internet we can know worldwide information that is of interest to any person and also allows us to talk to family members who are in other countries and thus be in constant communication.

On the other hand, despite naming certain positive aspects that the Internet may have, we must also be careful in its use, since, from my perspective, excessive use of the Internet can affect our social relationships in addition to neglecting the different academic and recreational activities. We can also be scammed if we do not safeguard the different passwords of the platforms we use.

Image alluding to the Internet scam

Public domain image property of Mariellroxxy

It should also be noted that the Internet is a free window where you can get different types of information, so when it is used by children we must supervise them, because they can get content unsuitable for minors, coupled with this there are also online games, which are currently used by young people, such games should also be supervised because many young people can acquire inappropriate behaviors that can harm society, therefore, in the balanced use is success.

Dear readers, one way to control this type of inconvenience with our children and young people is to teach them the correct way to search the web and socialize with them the inconveniences that the internet can bring with its excessive use, education is an ideal weapon, you can also establish schedules of use so that they can somehow meet their activities.

Bibliographic references
Hahn, H. (1995). The Internet: comprehensive information, ideal for every Internet user. Osborne: McGrawHill.


Hello friend @amestyj!
The internet came to change our lives definitely, there you can find all kinds of information and in less time, what we should do is as you say, teach children and adolescents how to use it and when to use it because sometimes it can cause many problems. Thanks for sharing, greetings!

Hello dear friend, we completely agree about the conception we have about the internet, it is an open window that we must know how to use and guide the little ones about its use.

Thank you for your valuable comment, have a great start of the week.

Hi @amestyj
Certainly the internet is a wonderful tool, in fact the world has made excellent advances in communication thanks to it.
But in our homes, rules must be established in the use of this to avoid negative consequences with our children and young people.

Hi @janettyanez, I liked what you mentioned about setting rules about the use of the internet at home, we can generate great learning for our children if we teach them to select the right material.

See you later, have a great start of the week.

Hello @amestyj, I think that the internet is a marvel but it can also be very dangerous if we don't pay attention to the activities we do on the web. The case of passwords, security, content and the use that we give the internet, should take care at home creating healthy habits of use.

Thank you for this perfect reminder of the risks of using the internet.

Hi @tocho2 thanks to you for leaving your valuable comment, it is always good to leave a reminder, about the aspects that should be taken care of when using this great technology that keeps us all connected.

See you later, have a great start of the week.

Greetings friend @amestyj, certainly the internet today is an indispensable tool for society, we can say that it ceased to be a luxury and became a necessity, about its use I can say that we can get much benefit but can also create problems especially in the young population by the unwanted content that can be found in it, for them you should monitor their use in minors.

Hello friend @carlir, for no one is a secret of the importance of the internet in our lives, it is a tool that has allowed us to solve the work in this time of pandemic, we just have to be vigilant of the use that our children give it and so we will have a good coexistence with this technology.

See you later, have a great start of the week.

Greetings @amestyj , the Internet is a tool that has become necessary for humanity today, as we can do many things with it. however we must be very careful with the misuse that we can give it also because there is a lot of harmful information for children, as well as financially and emotionally for adults.
Excellent publication, thank you for sharing it.

Hi friend @dgalan, the use of internet in the current context is very necessary, many important transactions are done through it, we just have to be very careful with passwords or any important information that may jeopardize the activities or resources we have on certain platforms.

See you later brother, have a great start of the week.

Saludos amigo!
el Internet es un arma de doble filo ya que tiene sus ventajas y desventajas, como muy bien tu nos haces saber acá en esta publicación.

Thank you my friend for your contribution, no doubt the misuse of the internet can cause us big problems, we just have to be aware of the movements we make on the web.

See you later, have a great start of the week.

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