Glossary of basic agroecological terms, Chapter VI

in Project HOPElast year
Knowing the specific terminology of any economic sector, including agriculture, favors fluency and precision in the communication process, often saving resources when transmitting information effectively.The repetitive use of certain words or terms within the agricultural field makes it increasingly prevalent and becomes commonly used in the various activities carried out in such an important economic area that seeks to produce the crops necessary for human food.

Without further ado, let's get started!

Terminology used in agricultural fields
  • Agronomy: this term is used to refer to the set of technical knowledge applied to agriculture that allows improving the use of its resources, who studies and applies these techniques is known as an agronomist.

  • Agrosilvopastoral: with this term we refer to the areas where plantations are combined, such as agricultural and forestry crops, and in addition to this, animal grazing is carried out on the same area.

  • Plow: when we talk about plow, we refer to the removal or turning over of the land, this is done with agricultural implements known as a plow with which you can also make furrows for planting and there are disc plows and moldboard.

  • Technical assistance: This term refers to the guidance and preparation of producers by qualified technical personnel regarding the management and use of new agricultural alternatives that allow them to improve agricultural production, for example, the use of organic fertilizers.

  • Aviculture: this terminology is used to refer to the breeding of birds it frames the set of techniques or practices for the selection, reproduction, feeding and management of bird species.

  • Elote: is called elote on the cob that already has its kernels formed, but is in a milky or tender state.

  • Externalities: this term is used to refer to the positive or negative effects that agricultural activity can have on certain surrounding communities, for example, the indiscriminate use of synthetic products can cause environmental pollution by negatively influencing the drinking water that residents consume.

  • cattle raising: when we mention this term it is to refer to the set of activities carried out by producers to carry out the breeding, reproduction and management of livestock and in this way take advantage of the products obtained from them.

  • cattle: the term is used to refer to the set of animals that are used by man to obtain milk, meat, skin among other by-products of nutritional interest to humanity, there are different species such as cattle, goats, sheep and pigs.

  • Herbivore: Animals that feed on plant species to maintain their production are called herbivores. For example, cows consume grasses which is an ideal plant species for food and nutrition.

  • Hydroponics: This term refers to a technique to produce plants by immersing their roots in a nutrient solution with elements necessary for their growth and development.

  • Inputs: In the agricultural area when mention is made of inputs, it is to refer to certain products or equipment that are necessary for production, they are known as agricultural inputs among which are fertilizers, seeds among others.

  • Weeds: The producers describe as weeds the plants that for them have no economic benefit. On the contrary, when they are on the same surface with the crops, they compete for important resources for production such as water, space, light and nutrients.

  • Cob: this term is referred to when talking about the ripe corn fruit which is elongated in shape with a large amount of grains that are used for the production of flour and other by-products.

  • Molasses: it is a thick brown liquid product and is the residue of the crystallization and separation of cane sugar, it is widely used as an additive in animal feed to improve the palatability of forages that are supplied to cattle, it is also sometimes used as a source of carbohydrates when making silages with grasses.

  • Monoculture: as its word indicates, it is the planting of a single crop in agroecosystems, this crop is planted year after year, which can lead to the depletion of certain nutrients from the soil and the loss of biodiversity of the agroecosystem.

Dear readers, we hope that the socialized terminology in this publication will be very useful for you and that it will allow you to know a little more about the agricultural sector, there is a great diversity of terms that we will gradually share with you in our academic dissemination articles.

Thanks for visiting and reading our post, until a next installment.

Bibliographic references
  • Rodríguez, J; Gutiérrez, E and Rodríguez, H. (2010). Dynamics of grazing systems. Threshing. D.F: Mexico.

  • Urbano, T. (2008). Engineering of plant production. Mundi-Press. Madrid: Spain.


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