cultivate at home

in Project HOPElast year
Dear readers, to start planting crops it is not necessary to have large tracts of land, you just need to have the enthusiasm and creativity to implement strategies that allow planting, production and harvesting; nowadays it has been observed that homes have become a space where their own food is produced without limitations, because if you have spaces with land gardens are established, if you do not have an area you can make barbecues with wood, use pvc plastic pipes, or the well-known masetas that are also useful and take up little space, that is to say to cultivate in our houses there are no limitations when you have the will to do so.

As for orchards, it can be said that they have become a strategy widely adopted in different households worldwide because it allows us to establish crops in small spaces that are available, a home garden is extremely practical and is the ideal way to obtain organic crops since, agroecological strategies can be implemented that sometimes can become difficult in larger areas, among those practices can be mentioned fertilization with solid products of organic origin.

In the same way, barbecues can be established that are structures that are generally rectangular and are made with materials such as wood, concrete among other materials that are available at home, these structures are raised approximately one meter above the ground for various reasons such as lack of space for direct sowing on the ground, or due to excess moisture in the soil, the structure can have the following dimensions 20 cm deep which allows the planting of vegetable crops such as chives, 1 meter wide which allows the work to be done on one side in a simple way having accessibility to all plants and the length may vary depending on the space and taste of the person.

In case you are in an apartment and you like agriculture, but you don't have enough space, then containers like pots are very useful because, they can be placed anywhere and will take up very little space, there you can plant superficial root crops, such as turmeric and ginger which we have had the opportunity to grow in pots and we have had excellent harvests.

Planting turmeric in pots

Design made by @amestyj with own photographs

To have good results with the different strategies mentioned, you must have an excellent substrate which can result from a mixture of land with solid organic fertilizer from the decomposition of plant material such as leaves or from animals through bovine manure that once decomposed can provide excellent benefits to plants, it is also important to consider organic fertilization that from our point of view can be made use of different alternatives such as worm leachate, biol, manure tea, native microorganisms among others, which apart from providing nutrients also supplies microorganisms that improves soil fertility.

In the case of irrigation, weed and pest control, its application, diagnosis and control becomes easier because they are small spaces; this shows that growing at home in your own garden, barbecue or pot is a simple and smart way to ensure a monthly supply of healthy food that you can use to prepare different dishes, since the vegetables kept in the garden are the source of food for your family. Maintaining the right conditions, such as fertilization and irrigation, is crucial to ensure that crops respond with good production.

Dear readers, if you grow in your homes in an ecological way, you will be able to have greater control over the quality of food. The main advantage of this type of crops is that the benefits that our food acquires are beneficial for us. Everyone needs more vitamins and minerals in their daily diet, as well as other important substances for health that we can only get through our diet.

Bibliographic references
  • Altieri, M. (1999). Agroecology scientific bases for a sustainable agriculture. The book is partially funded by Sustainable Agriculture Networking and Extension (SANE), a program sponsored by UNDP, New York.


hello friend, certainly a home cultivation depends on enthusiasm and creativity, but it is very rewarding, thanks for the recommendations.

Hello dear @emiliomoron, without a doubt it is gratifying to be able to grow our own food at home, I am glad that the publication is to your liking.

See you later, have a great week.

I currently stay in a rented apartment where there is no opportunity to get to do something like this, but I love agriculture so much that I cannot wait to have my own space and build a garden for myself.

Hi @gbenga, I hope you can soon have a place where you can establish your garden, certainly in an apartment the agricultural activities become a little more complex.

See you later, have a great week.

Hello friend @amestyj!
Very interesting post. Particularly in recent years I have been inclined to planting plants such as basil, oregano, lemon balm and others and certainly is very rewarding to see its growth and very relaxing care in addition to all the benefits obtained by its consumption. Thank you for sharing

Hello friend @yusvelasquez, it's great that you are planting this type of crops that are very useful in our homes, without a doubt agricultural activity can be very relaxing to be in contact with nature.

See you later, have a great week.

I really like the angle you are coming from, sometimes we do not even need to have a large space to plant, we can actually improvise with simple things and a good example is the barbeque stand.

It's good that you like the approach of the article @bimbo45, there are many alternatives for planting crops that allow us to take advantage of small spaces.

See you later, have a great week.

I really like the angle you are coming from, sometimes we do not even need to have a large space to plant, we can actually improvise with simple things and a good example is the barbeque stand.

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