Corporate social responsibility and its environment.

in Project HOPE3 years ago
Dear readers, returning to the subject of corporate social responsibility, this paper will expand a little more on the company and its environment that encompasses the company's relations with all its social participants such as shareholders, workers, suppliers, community and even the environment where it is framed. For some specialists, social responsibility implies being efficient, having ethics, complying with laws, and integrating all those involved.

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In this sense, it could be said that in order to evaluate social responsibility, a kind of balance sheet must be drawn up to determine whether the company is complying with its social objectives, information that could have a certain influence on the company's financial results. In order to evaluate the fulfillment of social responsibility, the Social Management Foundation in 2002 indicated that two dimensions should be taken into account, which were defined as internal and external dimensions.

Referring to the dimensions mentioned above, the social management foundation describes the internal dimension as the one that focuses on the relationship between the company and its workers, where aspects such as working conditions, health programs, social services such as medical care, among others, are considered; on the other hand, the external dimension evaluates the relationship with the environment, the quality of products and/or services, relations between companies and how their production methods influence the environment and the surrounding community.

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Some areas that were mentioned in the previous chapters and that are related to social responsibility according to Volpentesta will be described below. (2012):

- Community Support. this aspect refers to the impact of the company's contributions to the surrounding community, such as money, services, training, among other important elements that may have an impact on the quality of life of the inhabitants.

- Work Environment and Employment Conditions. Refers to human resources policies that affect employees, such as compensation and benefits, training, an adequate work-leisure balance, job security, among others.

- Environmental Protection. elements related to the environment and sustainable development, such as the optimization of natural resources with the responsible management of waste generated, among others.

Final considerations
Dear readers, in conclusion, it can be said that corporate social responsibility is an appropriate way to achieve a synergy between commercial, environmental and social objectives, since current production models, as mentioned above, must be adapted to the current needs and demands of society, which today is based on the preservation of the environment through sustainable development.

Bibliographic references
Fundación Escuela de Gerencia Social Ediciones FEGS. (2002). Balance Social Para La Empresa Venezolana, Model of the Fundación Escuela de Gerencia Social (FEGS), Coedición de The Venezuelan-American Chamber of Commerce & Industry (VenAmCham) y la Fundación Escuela de Gerencia Social, Ediciones FEGS. Caracas, Venezuela.

Volpentesta. (2012) Social actions in companies with social responsibility. National University of Misiones, Argentina. Revista Científica "Visión de Futuro", vol. 16, no. 2 Scientific Article.

 3 years ago 

Certainly the company must have a degree of social responsibility, however, according to what has been said, it is divided into internal and external, but as a company it must give a degree of value to each, and in my opinion I believe that this same social responsibility should have a greater degree of focus on the internal, when I refer to that is for its own workers.

Hello @amestyj

Good point "corporate social responsibility is an appropriate way to achieve a synergy between business, environmental and social objectives", I believe that part of the success that entrepreneurs and businessmen will achieve in the coming years, in large part will be due to the environmental and social responsibility that they execute in their ge environments.

Best regards, be well.

Greetings my dear friend @lupafilotaxia, without a doubt business organizations must consider corporate responsibility as a fundamental aspect to achieve the stability of their organization, in order to be a determining element in the employees and the community where it resides.

See you later brother, have a great weekend.

Wow, I really love your article friend corporate social responsibility is a topic I really love so much under the the principles of management. Because it also helps a company to know that in an environment where they carry out production, they are supposed to at least assist the community there either in form of money, free training and so on. Because many companies are failing in that aspect. Thanks friend for this it's really so amazing 🤗

Hello friend @obiwake, thank you for your emotive comment, I agree with you, social responsibility must be considered by any responsible company, since, it must ensure that its employees have the minimum adequate conditions to meet their needs and apart from that it must strengthen its environment, generating policies that are aimed at protecting and strengthening its adjacent areas.

See you later, have a great weekend.

Hello@amestyj , corporate social responsibility is where so many companies have failed. And without this there can not be development in the community. Companies that are not practicing this have to start doing that.

Thanks for sharing

Hi @cindylove1, I completely agree with you, nowadays companies must adopt social responsibility as a mandatory policy for the development of their context and their employees.

See you later, have a nice weekend.

The responsibility of a company is as much for its workers as for its environment, that is to say, they must contribute to the well being of the surrounding community in addition to employment, best regards friend @amestyj

Greetings my dear @rubenp, you are right, as I have mentioned in all my answers, there must be a company policy aimed at the social development of the community and its employees.

Thank you for your valuable comment, have a great weekend.

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