Beyond planting, let's talk about agronomic practices

in Project HOPElast month
In agriculture, in order to establish a crop, a series of processes is required which begin with the sowing of the species of the crop that you want to produce, but you need to apply a series of practices to be able to sustain it throughout its phenological cycle, each practice can have different methods of application and elaboration as the case may be. Producers must maintain constant monitoring of crops and establish in a planned way when it is necessary to apply such practices according to the soil and climate conditions presented by the agroecosystem.

In that sense, we can describe agronomic practices as a set of techniques and methods that are used to manage crops efficiently and sustainably, covering a wide range of activities, from soil preparation and planting to harvesting and storage. According to Urbano 2008), the main objective of agronomic practices is to optimize the production of food, fibers and other agricultural products, but also at the same time the protection of natural resources and minimizing environmental impact should be considered.

Agronomic practices are essential to ensure food security and rural development, they help to increase crop productivity, improve the quality of agricultural products, reduce production costs depending on the type of practice, conserve natural resources such as soil, water and biodiversity if the practices are agroeocological.

There are several types of agronomic practices, which according to urbano (2008), can be classified into different categories:

  • Soil management practices: They focus on the preparation, conservation and improvement of the soil. They include techniques such as tillage, crop rotation, the use of organic fertilizers and erosion control.

  • Water management practices: They seek to optimize the use of water in agriculture. They include techniques such as drip irrigation, rainwater harvesting and the use of drought-resistant crop varieties.

  • Pest and disease management practices: They focus on the control of pests and diseases that affect crops. They include techniques such as the use of pesticides, biological control and the planting of resistant crop varieties.

  • Fertility management practices: They seek to provide the necessary nutrients for optimal crop growth. They include techniques such as the application of fertilizers, the use of organic fertilizers and soil analysis.

  • Harvest and post-harvest management practices: They focus on the collection, storage and transportation of agricultural products. They include techniques such as manual or mechanized harvesting, temperature and humidity control, and the use of appropriate packaging.

Currently, good agronomic practices are those that are based on scientific principles and that seek to maximize production in a sustainable way. These practices are characterized by being efficient in optimizing the use of natural resources and minimizing production costs, ecological since, they should enhance the natural and economically viable processes of low costs that can generate economic benefits for farmers.

Final considerations
Dear readers, the adoption of agronomic practices is important for current agriculture. Efforts are required to train farmers on these practices, provide them with access to technologies and financing, and create public policies that encourage them. In conclusion, agronomic practices are fundamental tools to ensure food security. Their adoption is essential to optimize food production, therefore, research, training and public policies are key to promote the adoption of these practices in the agricultural sector.

Bibliographic references
  • Urbano, P. (2008). Phytotechnics, plant production engineering. Mundi-Prensa: Madrid: Spain.


- Photography and images:All photographs and images are the property of the author @amestyj
- Agrotecnia banner: made by the author @amestyj with own images


Well written. Planting of seeds is not the only activity that makes for the effective production of crops, there are other activities just as you have mentioned.
Nice read buddy

Thank you for your valuable comment, without a doubt agriculture does not only depend on planting, since it also depends on agronomic activities for crop management.

See you later, have a great week.

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