Thoughts about Smart Voice Assistant Devices

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Voice Assistant devices like Amazon Alexa and Google Homes are getting more attention from the people and its resulting in more revenue for these companies. Nowadays we can see the increase in digital voice assistant devices like Amazon Alexa and Google home and I hope many of you might be using these devices at home. As of now two devices are easily available and one is Amazon Alexa and Google Home, both are available in many countries and even online platforms. In this race, I think Amazon Alexa is way better in terms of kind of services and functionality provide along with the market share and I have also seen that in the last few years it has grown tremendously.



I have been using Amazon Alexa for the last one and half year and I am happy with the overall user experience because they keep on adding various functionalities quite frequently. I can't say whether it's required or not required because it totally depends on everyone's interest. I purchased it because of my son and I think it does a lot or him because he can ask multiple questions related to his studies. I also give a couple of commands every day and most of the time its about music and related to news and current updates. I like the way it responds and its sun.

I also use the Amazon website for shopping and so I can easily check the order status just by giving it a command and even I can book a cab through Amazon Alexa that is something I like. I never use Google homes but I believe Google device should also be offering an experience similar to Amazon Alexa however Google market share is not that big as compared to Alexa.

Alexa devices are designed in a way that looks good, portable, and quite sensitive because whenever I just say the word "Alexa" it gets activated within a range of 15 meters approximately. Things are getting smarter and such digital voice assistant devices are making our life easy and convenient because we get various tasks done by these devices easily and it just takes a couple of seconds to give the command.

Here I am sharing a snapshot of overall market share and comparison between Amazon Alexa and Google home which may help you to understand what growth path they are going on. Alexa Alexa's market share is going slightly down but still its more than double as compared to Google home.




Artificial intelligence technology is evolving and getting implemented in various forms of devices and we can see much more coming in a few years which will be simplified with the implementation of AI technology. Many projects are working on it and once they are live with full fledge then they will offer great platforms for various services and we are going to have something amazing output which we can't even expect. I think that artificial intelligence will make the research segment quite improved with the least human efforts and it will read human behavior that will make a do a lot of things easy and can be done just with voice command and this way we can save time and energy for sure.

America is the biggest market for voice assistant devices but in other countries also now numbers are increasing and its good sing for this segment work and introduce many more features.

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Thank you so much.


I know about Amazon Alexa but i never knew google had something similar and the reason is the market acceptability and the features you have mentioned in your post, great post.

Google has similar devices like Alexa for long but its not that much popular. Seem they are not putting much of their marketing efforts on it. Sorry for late reply.

 4 years ago 

Wow. I find that interaction you manage to have with Alexa fascinating, I still don't have any device of that type, but I don't lose faith in having one

Its a nice device to have however not necessary.. I think prices are higher but in few years when demand will increase then the price would go down and it will be even more popular.

The AIs in these things will probably lead to personalized AI assistants that can become part of our digital identity. It would allow us all to have an always active personal assistant working on our behalf amidst the web of internet algorithms. I believe blockchain will need to decentralize the internet first however.

 4 years ago 

Indeed. Decentralized internet first.

AI are a wonderful thing and they are making life easier. It is true that this devices gather information from users so as to improve it experience and this data are stored. What else will this companies be using this data for except for upgrades.

I think AI has a bright future because of its huge potential and we will see a lot happening in the future.

I am waiting for my car to be able to speak to me like that old TV show Knightrider! Does anyone remember that?

I don't know about Knightrider but I would love to see when car will start talking. Though we already have smart voice assistant in cars now. There will lot of improvements in this segment in future.

I think it is a natural progression of the technology. It is not so intrusive in a car as a device listening to you in the car is not like a device listening to you in your bedroom. Also, you need that hands-free help. If your device in the car could talk to you, look up information, find the right music etc. That would be really good. Something that is also wired into some basic controls in the car. Perhaps even controlling internal lighting, air conditioning etc.

I am sure we will see it soon.

 4 years ago 

good one :)

thanks. Piotr

Resteemed already. Upvote on the way :)

 4 years ago 

@tipu curate

 4 years ago 


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