Are regulatory laws a threat to the crypto world?

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)


When bitcoin and altcoin emerged from the shadows, they were only used by adventurous investors. Now that banking, state capital laws, and their large investments have been compromised by crypto technology, they began to feel threatened. Especially after observing the exponential growth that occurred in the capitalization of the Coin Market Cap between 2017 and 2018.

Bitcoin has a somewhat dark origin. Since its birth in 2008, it has been offered as the means of exchange on the Deep Web and as an encryption channel for sending files and messages in a decentralized and anonymous way. Since its birth, Satoshi Nakamoto's blockchain company, The Bitcoin Core, has inspired other entrepreneurs such as Vitalik Vuterin or CZ, the CEO of Binance, to form their own crypto companies. In the course of time, BTC proved not only to be an asset capable of giving back more than 750% to those who have invested in it, but its technology has been adopted and expanded throughout the world.

Altcoins also developed their own ecosystem. Blockchains like Ethereum gave way to Assets and Stacking. In the development of new tokens and reward systems with its own ecosystem, more investors, including large companies, were attracted.


However, the main interest of cryptocurrencies has always been in the exchange power that they have as a value object and their ability to trade against Fiat currencies, such as the USD, which has been depreciated. In the case of bitcoin against the dollar, this latter has depreciated by more than 19,000%.

In the development of this new financial market, new players and large capitals approached and have been introduced. But just as auditors and hedge funds have grown as millions accumulate, authorities like the SEC and other regulatory entities have begun to keep an eye on it. Not only because of the excessive amounts of money circulating in the market through crypto currencies, but because of the ease with which such large amounts move in a matter of seconds, completely anonymously and out of the reach of any regulatory entity.

This peculiarity of cryptography has made her a target of accusations such as the complaints filed by the FBI's Department of Computer Crime, of money laundering with cryptocurrencies, drug sales, child pornography, among other abuses and crimes committed on the Deep Web. Despite what happens there, regulatory laws are born for other reasons, one of which is that crypto threatens the traditional financial system.


Despite the fact that large banks currently invest in blockchain and specific assets like XRP or Tezos, this does not mean that you will soon be able to withdraw bitcoins from your closest bank. And the response of many Central Banks is that the crypto world seems very dangerous, since it does not have any control or regulatory entity that can verify, maintain and supervise the transparency of transactions. Something that blockchain technology can do on its own without the need for a third party.

The issue of money laundering will be one of the points on which the regulations place the most emphasis. Crypto provides the ability to exchange fiat money for any asset with more value without any regulation, as well as send and distribute funds among many wallets and other assets. This is the reason why they have put regulations and requirements for the different exchanges, such as the KYC (complete verification of documents) or the recent law of the Netherlands, the AML5, which forced two exchanges to leave the market. The Asian continent has not been left behind and Japan has carried out both a special department this year, the Japan Virtual Currency Exchange Agency (JVCEA), and the Payment Services Law (PSA), to begin to have much stricter control of the industry in the country.


These kinds of regulations were coming sooner or later, but they are not really a threat to the crypto ecosystem. These types of regulations are a manifestation of the current financial system adapting and trying to centralize the use of these instruments to a lesser or greater extent. However, this does not change the nature of crypto or blockchain. They will bring out certain changes and new agents, but they are not the end.

Every cryptocurrency investor will have to adapt in one way or another to these regulations, which will surely grow and develop alongside this new financial system. But if there is one thing we can be sure of, it is that the crypto market is here to stay and that the old institutions will have to adapt to the new technology. Money laundering crimes and their use for illegal purposes have always existed, and white-collar criminals still launder millions of dollars in regulated banking institutions. Such crypto laws are a representation of the fear of these institutions and of various financial powers that want control.

The most precious thing about this trip, in which we are immersed thanks to Satoshi Nakamoto, is that it was shown that money does not depend on any institution that prints bills, but on a technology that anyone can access, mining from the comfort of your home. The total decentralization of money and the financial system represents one of the most libertarian expressions in human history. What was once of a few is now freely accessible and of each of us who are interested in this gigantic world of crypto.

Share your opinion about decentralization and regulations. Do you think this will be able to slow the growth of the crypto industry?


Alejandro Aristeguieta

editing and text translation to: instagram: @ ja.lanz.b

 4 years ago 

Bitcoin has a somewhat dark origin. Since its birth in 2008, it has been offered as the means of exchange on the Deep Web and as an encryption channel for sending files and messages in a decentralized and anonymous way.

Wow, I never thought of it this way!
It is quite a bold statement, but in my opinion, correct.

I have always said that the governments of the world (which are supported by financial activities and the entire traditional banking structure) want to take advantage of crypto-finance and undermine the freedoms that until now have been acquired by citizens who have adopted crypto as the best scenario. for your investments and to safeguard your assets.

Taxing crypto transactions is the main goal.

In this sense, many governments of the world are currently developing the respective legal frameworks for the administration and control of crypto capital operations.

Thank you for participating and sharing your opinion.

I think regulatory laws are going to be introduced as the crypto market progresses. And everyone must adapt to it.

We do not know what performance this technology takes in its entirety, what we do know is that it is here to stay.

Take care

 4 years ago 

Switzerland is one of the nations that has made the most progress on crypto legislation.
I have a couple of posts about it on my blog, you might be interested in taking a look at them.

Hi @juanmolina Yes, I think that Switzerland and China have been the countries with the most stress on this. And good Japan who has integrated with these new departments. thanks for your comment.

Excellent i want to check this in your profile, really like to find other interesting in this topics, i read with calm your articles and write my opinion about that. Thanks comment this!

Interesting article dear @ale.aristeguieta, thanks for sharing.

As you mentioned, cryptocurrencies are here and they are here to stay, I think the traditional economic system will end up adapting to these changes in the not too distant future.

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for read the article, and share your opinion. Is really importan for me.

Yes, this is so true. Blockchain technology offers an appreciation and application of the monetary system never seen before, in a drastic or slow way the financial world must adapt to this; autonomous economies and the de-monopolization of money.

I think Steemit is a great example of that. The creation of a self-sustainable, transparent and "decentralized" economy. The latter is not only affected by regulatory laws, but also by the great acquisition of capital within the market, Binance is an example of this.


This post has been rewarded by the Steem Community Curation Project. #communitycuration06.

 4 years ago 

Dear @ale.aristeguieta

One of those posts, which surely are worth checking out and reading through.

I see regulatory laws as a NEED. Market needs it. Without regulations in place, there won't be much trust.

Why am I saying that?

Knowing that what you own is legal and knowing how to pay taxes from that income is crutial for many investors.

I personally know someone, who earned quite a decent amount of money in 2017, sold part of his earning and bought himself a car. You won't believe what kind of trouble he got, since he couldn't prove where those money came from.

Regulations (especially in tax department) need to be clear. Otherwise it will stop many investors from showing any interests with crypto.

However, the main interest of cryptocurrencies has always been in the exchange power that they have as a value object and their ability to trade against Fiat currencies,

I kindly disagree. Thinking of crypto as a form of payment (competition to currencies) is a dead end. Considering them great tool allowing investors to store value - that's the biggest crypto power.

Upvoted already :)
Yours, Piotr

Without a doubt the laws are going to come because, as you well say, the gear of the system needs it. And with so many people bringing capital into the market, there needs to be control. But I also observe the position of these proposals by the financial system, and the way in which the regulations are presented to the public.

As an investor, for example, I must follow these regulations, but I do not leave aside the philosophy behind cryptography and its principle. This may seem a bit idealistic, but I consider it an interesting debate.

It is true that cryptography for large investors can be considered an instrument of protection or technological investment. But when the crypto world exploded on youtube and became known to the common denominator, it was sold through trading and the ability of these assets as instruments of exchange.

I understand that the term "cryptocurrency" is somewhat misused. If we see crypto with investor eyes. Ethereum, Bitcoin Core, Ripple are Blochchain Companies, ether, bitcoin and xrp are the assets of these companies, for me they represent the shares of these companies, only they are listed within a decentralized market that depends on other factors. This is a topic for an article that I would like to develop later. But in itself, it is true, to see only these assets as a currency, or a competitor of the dollar only is to close their possibilities.

Thank you for participating and giving your vote. Thanks for sharing your opinion.
A hug @crypto.piotr

 4 years ago 

Seriously, I love how responsive you are @ale.aristeguieta :)

Great to have you around buddy
Cheers, Piotr

Thanks a lot my friend @crypto.piotr !!

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