The great Indian middle class and its dilemma.

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Greetings friends!

India is a vast country and it must have the largest populated country in the world as it was about to left China much before. However, no census have been conducted by the present government despite of its being due on 2021. This populous country has the largest number of people belonging to the middle class. Salaried class, doctors, advocates, architects, businessmen and many other professionals fall in this category. This class of people always think themselves always superior to lower classes and despise them even for their poverty and social status. On the other hand they lick the boots of powerful and rich people. Exceptions are everywhere, so it doesn’t mean that every one of the middle class has the same mentality, but it is evident that they flatter rich class and try to avoid mixing with the lower class.

(pixabay image)

Most of the people in this class have become ardent supporters of the present government. This is not bad but they also criticize opposition when opposition raises its voice against the tyranny of the government. Government knows very well how to handle media and manipulate the thinking of the common people. News channels, newspapers and lots of social media group work as the mouthpiece of the government. Government effectively uses nationalism and religion to harness the feelings of the middle class. That’s why the middle class ignores the important topics associated with its own welfare.

This class also things to mimic the rich class. So, an ordinary middle class fellow spends too much money on lavish weddings, parties and shopping whereas a typical family usually have a solo bread earner. A typical middle class family thinks it is against their values if the ladies of the family go out for work. On the other hand lower class people have lots of members of the family who work and earn money. Middle class people always try to find a white collar job, even with the low salary. On the other hand lower class people do not hesitate to work in any position if it gives them the ample money. Middle class spends lots of money to make their social status while lower class do not care about it. Lower class also pays less income tax while middle class members have to pay a good part of their earnings as tax. So, a typical middle class family’s net earnings are less than that of the lower class.

These things are making middle class poorer while lower class, which also gets support from the government, have more net income than salaried people. Government gives lots of concessions to the business class and lower class and middle class gets nothing but a duty to pay heavy taxes. Despite of it, Indian middle class is not going to take any lessons from their mistakes. Their sense of economy and politics is so poor that they always live in a delusion of superiority and desperation at the same time.

Thank you for reading.

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