Problem of global warming and climate change.

in Project HOPElast year

Greetings friends!

Global warming is a term which has been very controversial since its inception. There are ardent supporters of the theory who think that our activities are changing the world climate drastically, while the opponents think that our role is limited in changing the whole climate of the world. Both the sides have valid arguments. So, it’s not an easy thing to support or deny the theory of climate change.

(pixabay image)

We have examples of the past. When life first began on earth, some bacteria developed chlorophyll which helped them to prepare their food through photo synthesis. Those bacteria (cyanobacteria) exhale oxygen as the byproduct of the photo synthesis. They released more and more oxygen which wiped out almost the entire population of other anaerobic bacteria and living things for whom oxygen proved poisonous. So, it is clear that plants and animals can make a deep impact on the whole environment of the world.

Humans have the latest technology, capacity and reasons for changing the climate of the earth. We wish to have more and more power which requires abundant use of the resources of the planet. We need energy, we need more food stuff for our growing population and we don’t care about other creature with whom we share this planet as home. So, we are mercilessly chopping the forests, killing animals and destroying plants, burning fossil fuel to get energy and even destroying our own habitat just for fun. Therefore, we are harming our own environment and destroying habitat of millions of other living plants and animals.

First of all, we are a creature which like to accumulate as much things as possible. Other animals do not gather more than their requirement. For example, if a lion has killed a buffalo, he will not kill other animals until he is hungry and his food has ended. He do not kill thousands of animals all at once and keep their bodies preserved for years and years. Mother Nature do not let anything to go waste. Every organ of the dead animals are consumed. On the other hand we accumulate too much things in our freezers, stores and let the things go waste. We have big farms, big storage capacities and we are also the greediest animal species. In every country, tons of food stuff go waste every day without any reason. People eat little and waste much. This wastage not only requires resources for production and then dumping of it, but it also increases emission of greenhouse gases. So, things are getting bad to worse. Our farms, factories and mines are producing too much things. It also requires more and more energy for the production which increases burning of more and more fossil fuels. So, ultimately we have harmed our environment to a drastic level.

We all can contribute to stop climate change if we wish. We don’t have to plant trees. Nature can do it itself. We only need to stop cutting of jungles. We have to give up our greed. Minimalistic lifestyle is the need of the time. We must ensure to use minimum resources. Why should one buy a car which runs only one kilometer in one liter fuel? Instead of it should we not opt for the vehicles which run 15 to 20 kilometer in one liter fuel? Why should we have too many cloths, too much consumption of energy and resources? Electronic and plastic wastes have become difficult to dispose off. Plastic wastes are found in every part of the planet. Plastic do not destroy easily and remains intact for thousands of years. Plastic waste is choking the life of oceans and marine animals. We need more and more minerals for running our factories which has dug up the whole earth to an irreparable state. We can reuse and recycle things but we do not care as far as we have money to buy a newer thing. This mentality is putting too much burden on our resources. So, recycling of the resources is very necessary. We can save our planet if we ‘do nothing’. Yes, sitting idly can save resources of the planet, instead of publishing papers on saving the climate. Laziness is much better than the over activities. We still have a time. We just need to think about it and adopt a natural and less expensive lifestyle for saving our planet. We still have a time to save our home which should not be wasted.

Thank you! Have a wonderful time.


Yes my dear @akdx you made some valid claims in your post, and for sure all of us can make up clever decisions to avoid harming our environment more than necessary, which includes also to have a look on products which can be recycled instead the ones which can´t, we got all the necessary technologies in place to recycle more than 95% of such products so thus will help to make our beautifull living place a longer time usable for us humans but only if we act intelligent, like we told everyone we are ;)

Thank you dear for your nice comment. Recycling can help us a lot. But, our laziness and unwillingness of the companies impede its progress. We need to promote recycling and also minimalistic lifestyle.

 last year 

Hi @akdx

I'm not sure if you read comments (you didn't reply to comment from @don-t) so will I try to keep it nice and short.

Climat is changing and that's the fact. It has been also changing many times within recent thousands of years and it's super hard to see how humans are impacting it.

What I'm worried the most is that 'fight with climat change' will actually push us into 'ice age' since we (as humans) may overdo it.

The worst of all is that this topic attracted mass media and politicians. So it's hard to know any more who to believe.

Minimalistic lifestyle is the need of the time. We must ensure to use minimum resources.

And who will be in charge of it? Our goverments of course. They already are ensuring that we use minimum resources by creating inflation and making people poorer all over the world. And this will continue.

Cheers, Piotr

I fully agree with you dear. Climate change is definitely a natural process but we are also degrading our own environment. For example, we have scattered plastic all over the world which is destroying life. Also, urban heat effect is common in many cities.

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