in Project HOPE4 years ago

Greetings friends!

Image just for illustration


Once a friend of mine asked me the above question. Perhaps he was referring to the civilization that is prevalent where he and his forefathers used to live or he might be asking about the human civilization in toto. I assumed that it was about the human civilization. But, the first question that arises is- Can we call ourselves civilized in any manner? We humans have done everything that is against the norms and traits of civilization. We fight with each other, kill each other, we also have destroyed the environment of our planet and have made many species to extinct. We are spreading environmental, social, cultural, religious, and many other types of pollutions. This is an irony that we do everything that is even considered taboos by the people whom we so called civilized people disrespectfully refer as savages but, we proudly say ourselves civilized and walk triumphantly on earth. So, being a part of any civilization does not make anyone civilized. Civilized person is a completely different entity.

As far as the lifespan of our present civilized is considered, it is prospering and also evolving. But, that everything origins, also ends someday. This applies to our civilizations as well. When one asks about the lifespan of civilization, a question also comes in mind- was the questioner referring to the civilizations like Western civilization, Eastern civilization etc. or the whole human civilization? Possible scenarios may be as such:

Western civilization: It is not possible to predict the exact future of any civilization. But we can come to a rational conclusion based on history, political science, science, mathematical models and rational thinking etc. We can get hints from these subjects and get the glimpses of the possible future scenarios. First imperialism and Christianity, and now economic growth, rule of laws, liberalism, social and political reforms, free thinking, industrialization, banking system etc. are the pillars of Western civilization. When we refer to the Western Civilization, we actually refer to the civilization that originated from ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. Those ancient civilizations had collapsed because of various factors like wars, foreign invasions, excess of materialism etc. Modern Western civilization has contributed a lot to us by introducing industries, banking and financial system, rational thinking, liberalism, etc. before the world. Industrial, scientific, technical and economic growths have made our life comfortable, but we also had to pay a big price for this growth. Pollution, global warming, destruction of forests, depletion of resources, corporate loot, excessive materialism etc. have a very bad effect on our environment and also lead to climate change and destruction of innumerous lives on earth. Industrialization and economic liberalization has also made it possible for a few powerful people, to accumulate as much wealth as possible and render other people empty handed. So, the gap between the super-rich and the poorest is widening day by day. Population overgrowth in third world countries and migration of people from there to Europe and other western countries is also making situation worse for the people pertaining to western civilization. Various radial racial and extreme rightist groups are mushrooming in the western countries. This is an alarming situation for the people there. Exodus of people from the war trodden third world countries to the western countries can possess a big threat to this civilization as the immigrants and refugees come with their own civilization and also can outnumber the original dwellers who already had adopted the small family norms. So, it is possible that the western civilization would not survive a long.

Arabian civilization: Before the advent of Islam, Arabian culture was not much different from the culture of other ancient civilizations. Islam changed everything and adopted a uniform culture for its followers. Though Muslims live in many countries and follow distinct culture of their land to some extent; the core of Muslim civilization is the Arabian culture. In fact, Muslims across the world are adopting Arabian culture, names and Arabian civilization vigorously in non-Arabic countries. Muslim population is growing at a rapid rate compared to other religions. So, it is possible that Arabian culture will become the main culture of many parts of the world in near future. However, people are also against it. Many Muslims also becoming atheists and adopting the modern culture in many parts of the world. Especially the young generation is not ready to become slaves of old religious bigots. The main resources of Arabian countries is the production of petroleum. Depletion of oil from the middle-east can lead to the collapse of economy of these countries as they don’t have other resources. So, this civilization may also collapse in near future.

Chinese civilization: This is a distinct civilization which is mainly in the mainland China where one party rules and keeps its citizens under the strict control. So, it is the system of a totalitarian government where government is everything. China has made a great economic progress but, this economic growth has taken its price too. China is continuously in a cold war like situation against its neighbors and it is also an imperialistic country where political system is based on communism but, the economic system is highly capitalist. China is also bullying its neighboring countries and also making other poor countries to obey its policy when they take loan from China. In such a way China is controlling their economic system. So, this can make others to react and this may not be good for China.

Indian civilization: Indian civilization is mainly based on the tenets of Hinduism. Worshipping of numerous deities, religious outlook and caste based socio-religious system which discriminate between the people, are the main characteristics of Indian civilization. Factors like overpopulation, environmental degradation, economic disparity, increasing radicalization of society etc. can lead to the destruction of this civilization. Gaps between different levels of the society are widening. It is estimated that population of Muslims will outnumber Hindus in year 2050. So, one day Hindus will become a minority in India. But, it may never happen because the situations are already worsened there. Over population and destruction of nature can lead the collapse of this civilization much before one can presume. Growing tension between India and Pakistan or India and China can invite nuclear warfare which can lead to complete annihilation of both the nations. This can invite a world war as well.

More or less, this situation will be all over the world. Factors like economic disparity, use of robots in industries, increasing unemployment, cultural wars and dominance of one culture over others, overpopulation, destruction of environment etc. are some of the important factors that can induce the destruction of whole human civilization at any time. A nuclear warfare can end everything on this planet. Weather is becoming erratic every year. Some parts receiving too much rain while other parts are facing severe droughts. Possibility of exhaustion of petroleum resources in 100 years has forced us to search for the alternative sources of energy. But, much before that we may face energy crises that will lead to the collapse of our civilization. Alien invasion collision of heavenly object with earth etc., are the least possible factors which can destroy the modern world civilizations. However, factors related to human activities can never be underestimated.

We are already facing a serious problem in the form of Covid-19. It has become a pandemic and has forced us to stop economic activities. Corona has also exposed the way governments work. It has also made it clear that no religion or religious practice can protect us when we are in trouble. So, we are already in trouble.

Thank you for stopping by.
Yours @akdx

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