Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Jeff Bezos Investment Habit

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

I am sure we all know the richest man in the world, the man who recently has been breaking his own set record as his wealth keeps increasing during and after the pandemic, there are lessons to learn from a person like that who happens to be the first person in history that has been able to accumulate wealth above $100 million and I am eager to learn one or two things from him. It is not right for us to completely follow his lifestyle but there must be one or two lessons we can learn from the eman who has made wealth for himself by becoming an entrepreneur.


His intention which he has made known on different occasions is to help humanity with his wealth, I don’t think he really gives much to charity unlike Bill Gates who gives out massively to charity and report has it that his giving to charity is what reduces his net worth from rising as much as that of Jeff Bezos.

I just found that amazon has been in existence right from 1994 and Jeff has maintained the highest stake in his company after the company went public and this is the first lesson entrepreneurs must apply in their business after their business goes public, to avoid shareholders ganging up to eliminate you from the position you have worked hard for, it is just better for you to hold a high percentage of the company’s stock like Jeff owns 60% of amazon.

Another lesson to learn from Jeff is that, he has other investments that brings in returns for him apart from amazon which is real estate, technology, farming and others and this teaches us to widen our scope of knowledge and know which other type of other option can we dive into as we build our business, thinking broadly has kept Jeff Bezos on top of his game as he keeps increasing his money.

Apart from amazon retail business, Jeff Bezos is also really concerned about technology where he makes huge investment, there was a recent investment on a giant clock that would be able to think for a long term. He has also made huge investments on Google and Uber and we could learn from this that as a business owner focusing on building our business we can also invest on other promising ventures available. Blue origin is one of the recent ventures that Jeff Bezos is diving into and he plans to spend all of his money on this project he considers as something that would help civilization.
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He worked at a quantitative hedge fund before starting Amazon, I'm sure he knows what he's doing

Hello,...one strategy that every businessman should apply, is to diversify his investments. It is not wise to keep all your eggs in in a single basket

The truth is impressive that only one person has so much money, I think that with that you could feed many people in the world and solve many problems of health and education, but well I think that only we think the middle and lower classes, there are few millionaires who really help out of passion and not for advertising. It is sad but it is so.

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